Past Events
Past Top
Workshop on Electron Microscopy
04 May 2018
Braga – Portugal
RMS Cryo EM Course
23 to 27 April 2018
Rothamsted Research – United KingdomCryo Electron Microscopy was recently recognised with a Nobel Prize and this course is ideal for anyone new to this technique or those just looking to brush up on their existing skills. This residential course uses both lectures and practical demonstrations to cover topics including High Pressure Freezing, CryoSEM and CryoTEM.
Heater/Cooler Measurements with NanoScope Systems Online Training
13 April 2018
Bruker Nano Surfaces
TUNA/PFTUNA Online Training
12 April 2018
Bruker Nano Surfaces
EDS mapping: data collection, representation, extraction, and mining
11 April 2018
Dr. Jens Rafaelsen,
Applications Engineer,
EDAX Inc8am PDT | 11am EDT | 4pm BST (UK) | 5pm CEST
EBSD 2018
09 to 11 April 2018
University of Plymouth – United KingdomThis meeting, including hands-on workshops, will not only highlight recent technological advances in the field of EBSD and related instrumentation, but also showcase their applications to real-world problems in both the science & engineering disciplines.
Photonic and Optoelectronic Materials
09 and 10 April 2018
University of Exeter – United Kingdom
Using Nanoelectrical Solutions to Expand the Capability of AFM
29 March 2018
Bruker Nano Surfaces
Electron Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-inorganic Interfaces
22 and 23 February 2018
Queen Mary University of London – London – United KingdomThis meeting is dedicated to microscopy of materials comprised of both organic and inorganic constituents (in close proximity) and is aimed at bringing together experts from both the life science and materials science communities to address this challenging and increasingly important topic.
Icon NanoScope Systems online Training
15 February 2018
Bruker Nano Surfaces
Expanding 3D nondestructive X-ray Microscopy through Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography (LabDCT) – A powerful new complementary solution to EBSD
08 February 2018
ZEISS Microscopy
Heater/Cooler Measurements with NanoScope systems Online Training
02 February 2018
Bruker Nano Surfaces
TUNA/PFTUNA Online Training
01 February 2018
Bruker Nano Surfaces
Winterschool 2018, Practical course in advanced 3D microscopy. Theoretical and practical course.
21 to 26 January 2018
Zurich – Switzerland
Basic course cryosectioning and immunogold labeling of thawed frozen sections (Tokuyasu technique)
19 to 22 January 2018
Cell Microscopy Core, Section Cell Biology, University Medical Center Utrecht – Utrecht – NetherlandsA real hands-on course for the preparation of ultrathin frozen sections of aldehyde fixed and cryoprotected specimens for the TEM from start (tissue/ cultured cells) to finish (immunogold labelled thawed frozen section).
Basic course resin embedding and ultrathin sectioning
15 to 17 January 2018
Cell Microscopy Core, Section Cell Biology, University Medical Center Utrecht – Utrecht – Netherlands
11 and 12 January 2018
Glasgow – United Kingdom
Flow Cytometry Facilities Meeting
10 and 11 January 2018
York – United Kingdom
LM Facility Managers Meeting
04 and 05 January 2018
London – United Kingdom
CRISPR Unleashed: New Tools and Applications in Live-Cell Imaging
29 November 2017
Drs David Grunwald (University of Massachusetts), Ahmet Yildiz (UC Berkeley), and Marcin Barszczewski (Andor Technology)
AFM PeakForce TUNA Training
17 November 2017
Cryo Microscopy Group 2017 Meeting
15 November 2017
The Department of Materials and Metallurgy - University of Birmingham – Birmingham – United Kingdom
Meeting on Focused Ion Beams in Berlin - FIBiB 2017
06 and 07 November 2017
Berlin – GermanyFIBiB2017 is an upcoming workshop on focused ion beam based technologies for applications in sample preparation, sample investigation and nanopatterning.
The deadline for abstract submission is June 30,2017.
Electron Microscopy PhD course
15 to 20 October 2017
Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy – Copenhagen – DenmarkThe course provides an essential grounding in the basic principles of electron microscopy, including electron optics, electromagnetic lenses, principles of transmission and scanning electron microscopy, electron sources, vacuum systems, specimen-electron interactions and diffraction. Biological specimen preparation will constitute a major part of the course, including methods of chemical fixation and cryo-preservation. Finally, advanced electron microscope techniques such as Cryo-techniques, immunogold labeling, electron tomography, and data analysis/visualization will be introduced towards the end of the course. The state-of-the-art facilities available at CFIM allow for a strong practical element, with time for each student to gain hands-on experience of both transmission and scanning electron microscopes. The course will be run by experienced microscopists in a relaxed atmosphere with the aim of promoting discussion and exchange of ideas between students and tutors.
Registration deadline is the 15th of September.
Autumn school on electron microscopy in materials science 2017
09 to 12 October 2017
Harnack House – Berlin – GermanyFrom October 9 through October 12, the autumn school on electron microscopy in materials science will take place at the Harnack House in Berlin. This school offers both practical courses at different elecron microscopy laboratories in Berlin, as well as lectures on different aspects of modern electron microscopy.
International Symposium "In situ microscopy with electrons, X-rays and scanning probes"
09 October 2017
University of Erlangen – Nürnberg – GermanyRegistration deadline: 31st August 2017
21st EFUG meeting during ESREF : semiconductor and device applications of FIB
25 to 29 September 2017
Bordeaux – France
13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy
24 to 29 September 2017
Hotel Lone – Rovinj – CroatiaEMS lectures at Rovinj
- Elvio Carlino (Rome, Italy)
- Eric Stach (Upton, NY, USA)
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to: May 26, 2017.
Please note that, reduced prices such as registration (only 80 €) and accommodation possibilities down to 28 € per night are offered to PhD students!
Combining electrons with X-rays for integrated in-operando experiments (COEX)
23 and 24 September 2017
Grignano – Trieste – Italy
8th Glienicke Workshop on Electron Microscopy in Infectious Diseases - Diagnostics and Research
21 and 22 September 2017
Robert Koch Institute – Berlin – GermanyThe Glienicke meeting assembles people which are interested in diagnostic electron microscopy (EM) and research of pathogens for discussions, exchange of ideas and knowledge. Major topics of the meeting are: Diagnostic EM - Principles, methods and organisation. Case studies of infectious diseases and zoonoses. EM in pathogen research. Perspectives of imaging in diagnostics and research. The program is open for oral and poster contributions by participants. Please register and send us a title of the intended presentation and a brief outline of the content (a few sentences are sufficient).
For more information, please contact: Dr. Michael Laue, Robert Koch Institute,
Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2017 (SIMDALEE2017)
18 to 22 September 2017
Pula – Sardenia – Italy
Microscopy and Microspectroscopy of Nanomaterials in Liquids
18 September 2017
York – United KingdomThis one day workshop will cover the fundamental techniques such as optical microscopy, TEM, SEM, AFM, Raman and FTIR for a wide range of possible applications, from microbiology and chemistry to materials and optical engineering. The workshop will also include hands-on demonstrations and will offer the opportunity to test participants’ samples on-site.
Poster Abstract Submission is now open.
Registration is free for students and £25 for standard registration.
RMS International Flow Cytometry Course
12 to 16 September 2017
University of York – United Kingdom
12th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA)
11 to 14 September 2017
Kaiserslautern – Germany
Abercrombie Meeting
11 to 14 September 2017
University of Oxford – Oxford – United KingdomThe 8th Abercrombie meeting will be held from 11-14 September 2017 in Oxford and will address the key, exciting new findings and emerging approaches in the study of cell migration across a range of biological contexts, both in vitro and in vivo. As well as providing an excellent platform for open and constructive discussions between researchers from world-leading labs.
Abstract Submission and Registration are now open.
RMS Flow Cytometry Course
10 to 15 September 2017
York – United KingdomThe RMS flow cytometry course is aimed at both life science and clinical science fields, with the common fundamentals covered on day 1 and 2.
The course then splits into life science and clinical orientated modules, from practical demonstrations to lectures highlighting not just the applications, but best practise as well.
The course is constructed as a set of three modules. You can elect to attend the Course from between two to five days, depending on the Modules selected. The Modules consist of lectures interspersed with sessions in the laboratory. It is anticipated that instruments from three manufacturers will be available for practical work.
15th Methods and Applications in Fluorescence (MAF15)
10 to 13 September 2017
Bruges – Belgium
XVI International Conference on Electron Microscopy EM2017
10 to 13 September 2017
Warsaw – Jachranka – PolandThe conference will be focused on modern electron microscopy methods applied mainly to materials science, physics, chemistry, earth and life sciences. The scientific program will cover a broad spectrum of topics and contains the following sessions: analytical electron microscopy, SEM/STEM imaging, HRTEM, 3D imaging, in-situ microscopy, orientation mapping, electron crystallography, electron microscopy in materials science, electron microscopy in chemistry and life sciences. There will also be a special session for young scientists.
School on Advanced Analytical Electron Microscopy (SAAM) 2017
07 and 08 September 2017
Forschungszentrum Jülich – Germany
06 to 08 September 2017
Zaragoza – Spain
ToScA 2017
06 to 08 September 2017
University of Portsmouth – United KingdomThis will be the 5th annual ToScA symposium addressing hard and soft tissue imaging, understanding materials in 3D, recent advances in hardware and software, and a broad range of applications in tomography. This international symposium will consist of keynote speakers, student talks, student poster presentations and an image competition. The symposium provides opportunity for open discussions, networking with researchers and commercial industry as well as a platform to engage in collaborations.
Call for abstracts: MFS-2017 Conference
05 to 08 September 2017
Zaragoza – Spain
Confocal microscopy course
05 to 08 September 2017
University of York – York – United KingdomAn intensive, hands-on, four-day training course in the rapidly developing techniques of confocal microscopy. The course will initially cover basic confocal but then swiftly move on to the more advanced techniques such as FRAP, FRET and spectral unmixing. Over the four days, all participants will have used four different confocal set-ups; Zeiss LSM880 and LSM780 on inverted microscopes, a Zeiss LSM710 on an upright microscope, and an Andor Revolution XD spinning disk confocal. To demonstrate each technique, a wide range of both samples (plants to cell culture) and labels (antibody to fluorescent proteins) will be used. Participants are welcome to bring their own samples.
04 to 15 September 2017
ZURICH – SwitzerlandThe school is dedicated to teaching the basics and
wider context necessary to understand recent advances and current
challenges in biological and medical imaging. Cutting-edge techniques
using a wide range of image-formation mechanisms — including
magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, infrared and
optical microscopy, electron microscopy and X-ray imaging — will be
discussed, with a focus on multimodal and multiscale imaging methods,
together with supporting technologies such as computer-aided image
analysis and modeling.Admission will be decided based on the applicant’s curriculum vitae,
a statement of purpose and applicant’s references. Students who have
not yet started a PhD program may apply for a stipend. Interested
students should send in addition to the documents mentioned above
copies of their university grades and arrange a letter of
recommendation to be sent directly to Dr. Beat Schuler
Advanced Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (AMBIA)
03 to 09 September 2017
Brno – Czech RepublicThe summer school consists of 5 days of lectures and exercises.
The application deadline is March 31st.
CINEMAXIII PhD Summer school
28 August to 01 September 2017
Lolland – Denmark
Microscopy Conference 2017
21 to 25 August 2017
SwissTech Convention Center – Lausanne – SwitzerlandMicroscopy conference jointly organised by: SSOM – Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy ASEM – Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy DGE – German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V.
CenErgy II: International PhD Summer School on Advanced transmission and scanning electron microscopy in Materials Science
14 to 25 August 2017
DenmarkCenErgy introduces students to four concepts of advanced electron microscopy applied to advanced functional materials: environmental transmission electron microscopy (TEM), spectrum imaging of elemental and chemical information, high performance scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and 3D SEM. CenErgy commences with two days of theory covering the four topics and students can select two of these to perform a total of four full days of hands-on microscopy experiments. The remainder of the school then focuses on advanced data analysis based on the experimental sessions. CenErgy participants completing the school are also entitled to 5 ECTS points.
Registration deadline: 1st July 2017
Limited number of “early bird” places: 800 €. Standard fee: 900 €
Registration includes: transport between venues, lunches and refreshments, and social events. Accommodation is not included - a list of some accommodation oprions will be made available after the 2nd announcement.
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017 Meeting
06 to 10 August 2017
St. Louis – Missouri – USA
ESRIC Super-Resolution Summer School 2017
31 July to 04 August 2017
United KingdomThe ESRIC super-resolution summer school is designed to give participants a thorough grounding in super-resolution microscopy in an informal and intimate setting. It brings together leading academics and the major suppliers of super-resolution microscopes to provide expertise and guidance in the theory and practise of structured illumination microscopy (SIM), stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED), AiryScan Microscopy and single molecule localization microscopies (PALM, sptPALM and dSTORM).