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  • Pier Giorgio Merli TEM School in Materials Science - 8th edition

    03 to 14 October 2022
    Bologna – Italy

    The 8th edition of the School, organized by CNR-IMM and SISM will take place in Bologna (Italy) from 3 to 14 October 2022.
    As in previous editions, in two full weeks, following a well-tested series of theoretical and practical lessons, the School will provide students and researchers engaged in the materials science field (physics, chemistry, engineering) with a qualified introduction to Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques. For a complete description and an updated calendar of the course, please refer to the School website
    Registration is open at the SISM web site

  • Microscopy: Advances, Innovation, Impact 2022 – incorporating the RMS AGM & Section AGMs

    29 September 2022
    London – United Kingdom

    The RMS Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are set to take place virtually on 29 September 2022. The day will also include a number of talks.
    This meeting will be the fifth one-day meeting in the Microscopy: Advances, Innovation, Impact series, having previously taken place in 2016,  2018, 2020 and 2021.
    The RMS Annual General Meeting, as well as the Outreach & Education and Section AGMS, will also take place on the day and we invite all our members to join us to reflect on the year and plan for the future. 
    The Society’s AGMs are free to attend for both members and non-members.

  • LEEM PEEM 12

    26 September 2022
    Cordoba – Spain

    Due to the current events and the international mobility regulations on this 2020-21, the LEEM PEEM 12 committee have decided to postpone the Congress, and so guarantee, as is tradition, the participation of people from all around the globe. The new date is september 26 2022.

    We wish you well and hope to see you soon!

  • Flow Cytometry Course 2022 RMS

    12 to 16 September 2022
    University of York – York – United Kingdom

    This Flow Cytometry Course is aimed at both clinical applications and applications in cell biology, with the common fundamentals covered on Day 1 and 2. The course then splits into clinical applications and applications in cell biology streams, from practical demonstrations to lectures highlighting not just the applications, but best practise as well.

    The course is constructed as a set of three modules. You can elect to attend the course from between two to five days, depending on the modules selected. 
    The modules consist of lectures interspersed with sessions in the laboratory. It is anticipated that instruments from three manufacturers will be available for practical work.
    This course is open to all and is suitable for those who are relatively new to flow cytometry and who wish to expand their experience with applications and specific analysis.
    A trade exhibition will be held at this event on Wednesday 14 September.

  • Abercrombie Meeting 2022

    11 to 15 September 2022
    Oxford – United Kingdom

    The series of Abercrombie meetings have been held since the death of Michael Abercrombie in 1979. Michael was a pioneer in the field of investigating cell behaviour using timelapse microscopy. Abercrombie meetings are held only every five years and therefore offer an excellent opportunity to review the major advances in our understanding of cell motility and look to the new emerging concepts in the field.

  • EBEAM2022 - School on nanooptics with free electrons meeting

    11 to 16 September 2022
    Porquerolles – France

  • 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (MCM)

    04 to 09 September 2022
    Best Western Premier Hotel International Brno – Brno – Czech Republic

  • European FIB Network - 5th EuFN Workshop

    30 August to 02 September 2022
    Hamburg – Germany

    This year, we will host the event at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg, from Aug. 30th until Sept. 2nd. We aim for a similar reach on the 100-150 participants of key FIB users mostly within Europe, and will invite 3-5 keynote speakers globally to join our meeting. We would welcome all EMS representatives promoting the society at the workshop, and appreciate if you could announce our event on your homepage.

    So far, we were fortunate to keep the registration free for all participants due to the generous contributions. This allowed us to offer refreshments during the workshop breaks as well as a conference dinner to exchange ideas in a more informal setting. I am pleased that this years venue, the historic sail boat Rickmer Rickmers with a view over Hamburgs harbor, will capture both Hanseatic tradition as well as the cities future developments. As you have kindly supported last years event, I would like to ask if you were interested in doing it again this year.
    I thank you for your consideration and hope to see EMS in Hamburg soon,
    Philip Moll

  • 16th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

    28 to 31 August 2022
    Prague – Czech Republic

    On behalf of the Society for Histochemistry, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 16th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry in August 28 – 31, 2022, Prague, Czechia. Although the Congress had to be postponed twice due to COVID-19 pandemic, we deeply appreciate your lasting interest in this event, which brings the worldwide histochemists together to exchange information, closely cooperate and contribute to scientific progress.

  • ELMINA2022 - Conference on Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures meeting

    22 to 26 August 2022
    Belgrade – Serbia

  • Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M)

    31 July to 04 August 2022
    Portland – USA

  • flowcytometryUK 2022

    20 to 22 July 2022
    Birmingham – United Kingdom

    This meeting will consist of themed plenary sessions with talks from invited speakers. There will also be parallel scientific workshops organised by members of the cytometry community and parallel commercial workshops. There will be a large exhibition and the opportunity to network with flow and image cytometrists from all over Europe and beyond. The meeting will highlight advances in flow and image instrumentation, high content screening, cancer and stem cell biology, applications of clinical cytometry and the development of novel probes and approaches in many areas of biomedical research. (This is the new date for the postponed 2020 event).

  • Challenges in biological cryo electron microscopy: Faraday Discussion

    13 to 15 July 2022
    Sheffield – United Kingdom

  • Focused Charged Particle Week : 8th Focused Electron Beam Induced Processing Workshop meeting

    13 to 15 July 2022

  • Focused Charge Particle Week

    11 to 15 July 2022
    AGH University of Science and Technology – Krakow – Poland

    The event is organized by The Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology of the AGH UST University in Krakow under the Honorary Patronage of AGH UST Rector. The week opens with the new fit4nano Cost Action related workshop series on focused ion technology for nanomaterials. It is followed by the 8th FEBIP workshop of the Focused-Electron-Beam-Induced-Processing community in their series of regular two-yearly meetings held since 2006.

  • FIT4NANO workshop and working groups meeting

    11 to 13 July 2022
    Krakow – Poland

    This year’s *FIT4NANO workshop and working groups meeting* ( is taking place from *11-13 July in Krakow*, Poland and is organized by the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Registration and abstract submission are now open! The *abstract submission deadline is 31 May.* Limited travel grants will be available to FIT4NANO members. We’re hoping to see many of you in Krakow!

  • Frontiers in BioImaging 2022

    05 and 06 July 2022
    Edgbaston Park Hotel – Birningham – United Kingdom

    Frontiers in Bioimaging 2022 will focus on the latest developments in optical and electron microscopy as well as image analysis. Sessions will cover novel technical developments and applications of these microscopy-based approaches to key cell and molecular biology questions with an overarching aim to bring insights on how they participate in our understanding of human health and disease. We aim to provide an environment where early-careers and established researchers can meet and engage with a broad range of imaging approaches and to make valuable contacts with leading groups in the field.

    We will be accepting abstracts for both oral and poster contributions. This event will also have opportunities for companies to exhibit and sponsor.

  • Biennial EMAG Conference 2022

    05 to 07 July 2022
    Imperial College – London – United Kingdom

    EMAG 2022 is the biennial focused meeting of the EMAG group of the IOP and will be held at Imperial College London. During this meeting, we will also be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the EMAG annual IOP electron microscopy conference. This section of the event will be held at the Institute of Physics headquarters. The meeting will focus on multidimensional electron microscopy research. 

    Distinguished invited speakers will present recent advances in multidimensional electron microscopy research, alongside contributed oral presentations, flash talks and poster sessions. EMAG conferences are valued in particular for providing a platform for students to present their work, alongside more established researchers, in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. A table-top trade exhibition will also be held for delegates to explore the latest advances in electron microscopy instrumentation and software.


    04 to 08 July 2022
    UFT, Tulln, Austria – Tulln – Austria

  • ESTEEM3 Worksop : Electron diffraction for solving engineering problems

    21 to 23 June 2022
    Trondheim – Norway

    A workshop on Electron diffraction for solving engineering problems will be organized at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, 21.-23. June 2022.

    This year’s workshop will focus on how we can use electron diffraction in TEM and SEM –how to deal with ‘real’ materials, the possibilities given by better cameras, and post processing and data analysis on how to get the most out of your results. In these three days’ workshop, invited experts and skilled educators in this field will address the essentials and the latest developments through lecture, computer exercise and hands-on practical sessions using the NORTEM infrastructure in Trondheim.

    Lectures will cover different qualitative and quantitative methods in electron diffraction and how it can be used for engineering problems.We start every morning with lectures.  In the afternoons, experiment demos on the TEMs and computer practices on data analysis will be given. We will teach how to use various open-source scientific python packages to analyze diffraction data. If (because of Covid) physical presence will be difficult, the workshop will be transferred to digital, with lectures and computer exercises.

    We invite PhD students, postdocs and researchers working with TEM and SEM in the physical sciences to participate!

    Confirmed invited speakers and course leaders

    Local staff (Håkon Wiik Ånes, Emil Frang Christiansen and Magnus Nord)  will participate in running computer exercises.

    Each day there will be lectures from 09 to 11, lunch and discussions from 11 to 13 and lab/computer exercises between 13 and 16.


    Register for the ESTEEM3 Workshop in Trondheim

    Participation is free, but you have to register before 1 June 2022.

    There will be a maximum of 24 participants in the afternoon practice sessions. In case of large interest, priority will be given to early career scientists active in the field.

  • FIT4NANO* *FIB summer school

    20 to 24 June 2022
    Brno – Czech Republic

    The *FIT4NANO* *FIB summer school *is being organized by the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ISI) and CEITEC Brno University of Technology (CEITEC BUT). The school will take place from 20-24 June in Brno, Czech Republic. Applications can be submitted until *12 May 2022* at 

    Successful candidates will receive a travel grant to cover their costs.

  • Course: Cryosectioning and Immuno-electron microscopy

    13 to 16 June 2022
    Utrecht – Netherlands

    The 4 day workshop on Cryo-sectioning and Immuno- Electron Microscopy (EM) is meant for people willing to learn cryo-sectioning and Tokuyasu Technique for immune-EM. Experience in resin sectioning is not necessary, but is definitely an advantage. This workshop is hands-on in nature, although some topics will be also covered with lectures. The entire EM procedure from (live) specimen to imaging immuno-labeled ultrathin sections will be covered from start to finish. You will have the chance to use most of the workshop time in the lab working with standard specimens like cultured cells or tissues. Besides managing the ultra-cryo-microtome, the preparation of EM tools and other necessities will be covered.

    We provide an excellent learning environment. When manual skills like ultrathin sectioning of resin blocks are being trained the participants will have their own ultra-cryo-microtome (often equipped with a camera) to practice on. The number of participants is limited to 12 people. We will provide you with a practical manual and detailed protocols covering the topics of the workshop.

  • EBEAM2022: school on nanooptics with free electrons 2022

    11 June 2022
    Porquerolles – France

    Electron optics and spectroscopy instrumentation developments in the last 20 years have considerably widened the range of applicability of electron beam techniques to nano-optics: meV beam energy spread, single atoms imaging capabilities, electron wavefunction shaping, fs pump probe experiments, and efficient light coupling to and from samples are a reality. This has enabled the study of a variety of excitations (plasmons, phonons, excitons...) at extreme spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions. Therefore, new theories have blossomed to explain exciting results coming from electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), cathodoluminescence (CL) and photon induced near-filed electron microscopy (PINEM), and central concepts of nanooptics or quantum optics have been shown to be applicable to electron-based spectroscopies.

    For this reason, it is high time for a school aiming at spreading knowledge about these new concepts and techniques and at fomenting the interest of a new generation of academics in this blooming field. That is the object of the eBEAM school focused on electron spectroscopies for nano-optics.

    Courses will cover: the basics of electron instrumentation and spectroscopies;  electron-matter-light interaction; electron spectroscopies of optical material; time, space, and quantum coherence in electron spectroscopy; advanced EELS and CL; photoemission etc.

  • COURSE: Resin Electron Microscopy

    08 to 10 June 2022
    Utrecht – Netherlands

    The 3 day workshop on resin electron microscopy (EM), in which the entire EM procedure from (live) specimen to imaging stained ultrathin resin sections will be covered from start to finish.
    Registration deadline : May 20th 2022

  • Symposium : Advanced Nanoscale Characterization of Materials and Processes

    06 to 10 June 2022
    Sevilla – Spain

    Will be held at the NANO 2022 - 16th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials.

  • Cryo Electron Microscopy Course

    06 to 10 June 2022
    Rothamsed Research – Harpenden – United Kingdom

    The popular Cryo Electron Microscopy course will return for 2022, with additional new content not included previously.  Covering both theoretical and practical aspects of sample preparation and cryo EM techniques, this residential course is ideal for anyone new to cryo EM, but can also be attended by those wanting to refresh their existing skills.

  • 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress

    18 to 20 May 2022
    Valamar Diamant Hotel – Poreč – Croatia

    Croatian Microscopy Society (CMS) and the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb (RBI) cordially invite you to participate in the 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress (CMC 2022) that will be held in Poreč, Croatia from 18th- 20th May 2022. We are excited to share with you that this edition of the Congress will also mark the 30th anniversary of the Croatian Microscopy Society. The Congress is jointly organized by the Croatian Microscopy Society and the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb (RBI) Croatia's leading scientific institute in the natural and biomedical sciences as well as marine and environmental research. The CMC 2022 will bring together nearly 100 researchers, industry representatives, and exhibitors from the Region and Europe, focusing on the recent methodological developments in microscopy and applications of the electron, light, and scanning probe microscopy in Biomedicine, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry of Materials, and related research fields. It will include invited, oral and poster presentations as well as industrial exhibitions. The CMC 2022 is taking place in Poreč, a city located in the heart of the western coast of the Istrian peninsula, in Istria County. The city is almost 2,000 years old, as can be seen by the remains of ancient temples and forums spread throughout the old city centre. The most valuable and recognizable cultural and historical monument is the Euphrasian Basilica, present on the UNESCO World Heritage List, dating back to the 6th century. We look forward to seeing you at the 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress. Suzana Šegota, chair of the Scientific Committee and Danijela Poljuha, Chair of the Organizing Committee

  • ISM2022 - The 55th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy

    16 and 17 May 2022
    Haifa – Israel

    The 55th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy will be held on Tuesday May 17th, 2022 at the Sammy Ofer Stadium, Haifa.

    The meeting will be preceded by a one day tutorial workshop on the topic of Super-resolution electron microscopy on Monday May 16th, 2022 at the Technion.

  • Electron Microscopy Course powered by INL

    16 to 20 May 2022
    INL - International Nanotechnology Laboratory – Braga – Portugal

    INL has the pleasure to invite you for the 2022 edition of the Electron Microscopy Course, a programme focused on theoretical and practical training on imaging, spectroscopy and diffraction. The five-day course presents a set of well-curated contents to explore the principles, operation and techniques of scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

  • 4th Slovene Microscopy symposium

    12 and 13 May 2022
    Ankaran – Slovenia

    Slovene Society for Microscopy proudly announces the 4th Slovene Microscopy Symposium, to be held on May 12th-13th in hotel Convent, Ankaran. More information can be found on the event web page, The goal of the symposium is to bring together the emerging young researchers and the experts applying different microscopic techniques in the fields of life sciences, material science and industry. We cordially invite you to join us on the Slovenian coast for two days of great lectures, beautiful posters and fun social events.

  • QEM2022

    08 to 20 May 2022
    School of TEM – Port Barcares – France

    Due to the covid crisis and to make sure that we can gather and learn together in person we decided to postponed QEM2021 to 8-20th May 2022. We can't wait!

    See you soon!

  • PICO 2022

    08 to 12 May 2022
    Kateel Vaalsbroek – Vaalsbroek – Netherlands


    07 to 13 May 2022
    Biocenter – Vienna – Austria

  • EMAS 2022 Workshop

    07 to 11 May 2022
    Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland – Krakow – Poland

    EMAS 2022 will be postponed to May 2023. SAVE THE DATE! EMAS 2023 - 17th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis.

    7 - 11 May 2023, Krakow, Poland

  • Annual Conference of the Hungarian Society for Microscopy

    05 to 07 May 2022
    Hotel Panorama – Siófok – Hungary

  • Virtual Huygens Imaging Workshop

    20 and 21 April 2022

    Regardless whether you’re imaging with a widefield, confocal, or super-resolution microscope (STED, Airyscan, PALM/STORM), all optical images suffer from artifacts. If you are interested in identifying and correcting these to produce high-quality and reliable results, then this workshop may interest you. We’ll discuss the imaging process, acquisition pitfalls such as spherical aberration, undersampling, photon noise and the Point Spread Function, and how to solve these imaging issues. Topics also include deconvolution, restoration, visualization, and the importance of reliable quantitative analysis.

  • Cryo Microscopy Group

    14 April 2022
    Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre – Nottingham – United Kingdom

    2022 is the first in person meeting since the global pandemic. The meeting aims to reconnect old friends and new members to the group, while catching us up on what has been happening in the UK in the past two years. 

    The event is to be hosted by the Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre (nmRC) and held in the nearby School of Chemistry

    For information on traveling to the University and directions to the School of Chemistry follow this link

    A Map to the nmRC (Bulding 53) and School of Chemistry (Building 28) can be found here.

  • Virtual EBSD

    12 and 13 April 2022

    The EBSD 2022 meeting will be held in a virtual format. The meeting will be live, with the main meeting on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 April 2022 at 13:00 BST/08:00 EDT/14:00 CEST/05:00 PDT.
    We have selected this format to encourage participation from the global electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) community and to support engagement from a wide range of participants, as well as reflecting on the on-going challenges related to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
    Our two “half-day” meeting will encourage sharing the latest developments and applications of EBSD-related microscopy methods. In this virtual format, we will also encourage clusters of researchers to independently register for the meeting, but where reasonable to host cluster-viewing at their host institution.
    The Annual UK-based EBSD meeting is an opportunity for the EBSD community to meet and share new developments and applications of EBSD, as well as related techniques that are commonly used to explore samples and materials within the geoscience, materials science & engineering, physics, and emerging applications from the biological communities. Talks will likely include state-of-the-art developments in instrumentation, new software developments, new techniques, as well as applications and use of EBSD, transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI), and related microscopy modalities.
    As part of this series, we continue to be excited to hear from those who use these techniques to further the understanding of applied science and engineering challenges, as well as industrial challenges (including the use of EBSD data in Industry 4.0).

  • The Second Joint Meeting of the Microscopy Society of Ireland and the Scottish Microscopy Society

    06 to 08 April 2022
    Human Biology Building, School of Medicine, National University of Ireland Galway – Galway – Ireland

  • Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Course Spring 2022 – Clinical Module

    14 March 2022

    This course, which will run over four half-days from Monday 7 March to Thursday 10 March 2022, plus one optional additional Clinical Module on Monday 14 March 2022.  The course will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.

    Pre-recorded lectures will be provided in advance of the meeting with live small group practical sessions in the afternoons.  It will run in the afternoon UK time to make it more accessible to those in other time zones (14:00 GMT/15:00 CET/09:00 EST).  The Clinical Module on Monday 14 March 2022 will be a full day UK time (09:00 GMT/10:00 CET/04:00 EST).
    Delegates will be able to use data files (which will be provided) and follow along with directed analysis by the course demonstrators. Analysis will be performed in either FlowJo or FCS Express and Applications specialists will also form part of the demonstrator team.
    This course is open to all and is suitable for those who are relatively new to flow cytometry and who wish to expand their experience with applications and specific analysis.

  • The 11th Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology

    10 to 12 March 2022
    Barcelona – Spain

  • Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Course 7 – 10 March 2022 and Clinical Module 14 March 2022

    07 to 10 March 2022

    This course, which will run over four half-days from Monday 7 March to Thursday 10 March 2022, plus one optional additional Clinical Module on Monday 14 March 2022.  The course will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.

  • Virtual Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces 2022

    01 and 02 March 2022

    The 6th Microscopy Characterisation of Organic–Inorganic Interfaces (MCOII) meeting will again be hosted virtually, but it will keep the main goals and aspirations of all the previous editions.  We will use the advantages of the virtual format and this time not only connect experts from different branches of the microscopy community (the life sciences and materials science) but also bridge two continents in a joint discussion on the challenging but increasingly important topic of studying hybrid organic–inorganic materials.

    The transatlantic scientific organiser team of Nadja V. Tarakina (MPIKG, Germany) and Lena F. Kourkoutis (Cornell University, USA) have put together an exciting two-day programme. As usual, the first day will be more general, covering a broad range of microscopy approaches (correlative microscopy solutions, in-situ gas and liquid microscopy methods, low-voltage electron microscopy and many more) in the context of imaging hybrid and soft matter.

    On the second day, the special Focus Lecture Series will provide an in-depth view on "Advances in Analytical Cryo-Electron Microscopy: From sample preparation to data acquisition to data analysis”. Cryo-electron microscopy has transformed life sciences by enabling the structure of macromolecules to be imaged down to the atomic scale. Recent developments in instrumentation and techniques have opened new opportunities for scientific discovery not only in life sciences but also in physical sciences and in areas where the two fields intersect. This lecture series will bring together world-leading experts in analytical electron microscopy, highlighting the latest achievements, new opportunities and outstanding challenges in probing beam-sensitive and hybrid materials and their interfaces. 

  • Microscopy Conference 2023

    26 February to 02 March 2022
    Darmstadt – Germany

    It is our great pleasure to officially invite you to the Microscopy Conference 2023, which will take place in Darmstadt, from February 26 to March 2, 2023.

    We are very pleased that MC2023 will take place as a face-to-face event after the necessary restrictions due to the Corona pandemic. As in previous conferences of the German Society for Electron Microscopy (DGE), the MC2023 brings together leading experts and emerging young researchers to share their expertise and discuss current trends as well as newly discovered findings. Be a part of this exciting event and submit your scientific work via until July 31, 2022.

    Apart from a new date, this time at the beginning of the year, the scientific programme of the conference will again focus on the latest research in materials science, life sciences and instrumentation and methods. Each main theme is divided into seven thematic sessions covering invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. Plenary lectures, award ceremonies, an industrial exhibition as well as the conference dinner will complement the programme.

    We are looking forward to a stimulating scientific and social event and to welcoming you in Darmstadt, the city of science and art nouveau!

  • Winterschool 2022 - Practical course in advanced microscopy

    17 to 21 January 2022
    University of Zurich, Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis, Switzerland – Zurich – Switzerland

  • The International Microscopy Lecture Series

    14 December 2021 to 18 January 2022

    This initiative is a collaborative undertaking by three international Microscopy Societies (the Microscopical Society of Canada, the Israel Society for Microscopy and the Royal Microscopical Society).  
    The next online live lecture is taking place on Tuesday 9 November 16:00 GMT / 11:00 EST / 18:00 IST. Professor Joachim Frank will be giving a lecture entitled "Cryo-EM of Biomolecules – A Cold Look at the Building Blocks of Life".  
    Ahead of the lecture we have made available an interview between Professor Joachim Frank and Dr Yaser Hashem which can be found on our
    To book on this free event and future lectures please go to the RMS website and register for an account and then book on the event. Professor Sir Peter Hirsch event two weeks ago is now available to watch on our website.
    The next lectures will take place on:
    Tuesday 14 December 2021 16:00 GMT / 11:00 EST / 18:00 IST with Professor Ray Egerton on "Analytical Electron Microscopy - An Art of the Possible"
    Tuesday 18 January 2022 16:00 GMT / 11:00 EST / 18:00 IST with Professor Ricardo Henriques on "Open technologies for Super-Resolution and Machine Learning in BioImaging"
    For further details and to book on these events please visit our website

  • One Day flowcytometryUK Meeting 2021

    18 November 2021
    Babraham Institute – Cambridge – United Kingdom

    The one day flowcytometryUK 2021 Meeting will take place in Cambridge highlighting the diverse areas in which cytometry is a vital resource. There will be scientific presentations from a number of speakers interspersed with commercial flash presentations. A commercial exhibition will allow delegates to see recent developments in the field. The meeting also offers a great opportunity to network with fellow cytometrists in a relaxed and informal environment.


  • Microscopy and Microanalysis in Geological and Archaeological Sciences

    09 and 10 November 2021
    Oxford – United Kingdom

  • Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science

    27 to 30 September 2021
    Virtual Meeting

  • Combined fit4nano and EU-F-N workshop 2021

    27 to 29 September 2021
    Vienna – Austria

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