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  • 15th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2020

    24 to 27 March 2020

  • The 4th Network of EUropean BioImage AnalystS Conference & Symposium

    29 February to 06 March 2020
    Bordeaux – France

    The NEUBIAS conference is a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine learning, data mining, and storage. European Bioimage Analysts organize this event bringing together an international, interdisciplinary community of about 250 leading scientists in the life and computer sciences. The 3-days Symposium reflects the need to foster the networking between image analysis Developers and their end-users.

  • 26th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis

    16 to 20 February 2020
    National Convention Centre – Canberra – Australia

    This conference will be about bringing together colleagues from life sciences and physical sciences and working together towards new visions and goals in microscopy, with a programme based on advances in electron and light microscopy and microscopy-enabled research in life sciences and physical sciences.

  • Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy Gordon Research Conference

    26 to 31 January 2020
    Tuscany – Italy

  • Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy

    26 to 30 January 2020
    Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco – Lucca – Italy

  • Cryosectioning and Immuno-Electron Microscopy

    20 to 23 January 2020
    Utrecht – Netherlands

  • Resin Electron Microscopy

    15 to 17 January 2020
    Utretch – Netherlands

  • Coiled coils, Myosin, Titin and striated muscle: A reflection on the contributions of John Trinick and Gerald Offer.

    10 January 2020
    Leeds – United Kingdom

  • Autumn School on Electron Microscopy in Materials Science

    12 and 13 December 2019
    Department of Physics of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – Berlin – Germany

    The Autumn School on Electron Microscopy in Materials Science aims at (young) scientists interested in learning the basics and some advanced aspects of electron microscopy for application in materials science. In contrast to previous events, the lectures will be largely available online, accompanied by online quizzes. The practical sessions of the school will be concentrated on two days (December 12 and 13), where different EM laboratories in Berlin offer hands-on sessions in Off-Axis electron holography (TU Berlin), inline electron holography (HU Berlin), low-voltage 4D-STEM (HU Berlin), in-situ gas-flow experiments (FHI Berlin), EELS and EDX (FHI and HU Berlin). Deadline for online registration for the practical course: Sept. 27, 2019. Please consult the website for further details.
  • Advanced Microscopy Techniques for Plant-microbe Interaction Analysis.

    25 to 29 November 2019
    Tulln – Austria

  • Materials and Life Sciences: New Insights From Quantitative Microscopy

    09 November 2019
    Louvain-la-Neuve – Belgium

  • Netherlands Electron Microscopy Infrastructure Meeting

    06 November 2019
    Geertekerk – Netherlands

    For further information about meeting registration, please contact Mima Malcicka {the NEMI Project Manager) at (

  • EBSD 2020

    31 October 2019
    University of Sheffield – United Kingdom

  • International Workshop on Advanced and In-situ Microscopies of Functional Nanomaterials and Devices,

    27 to 30 October 2019
    MPIE Düsseldorf – Germany

  • Dynamic in-situ microscopy relating structure and function

    21 and 22 October 2019
    London – United Kingdom

  • Dynamic in-situ microscopy relating structure and function

    21 and 22 October 2019
    London – United Kingdom

  • EMBL Course: Volume Electron Microscopy by Automated Serial SEM

    20 to 25 October 2019
    Heidelberg – Germany

  • SNAIA2019

    10 to 13 October 2019
    Paris – France

    Abstract submission deadline: 15 September 2019
    Early registration deadline: 01 October 2019

  • EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Seeing is Believing - Imaging the Molecular Processes of Life

    09 to 12 October 2019
    EMBL Heidelberg – Germany

  • Electron probe microanalysis: Recent developments and applications in Earth science

    03 and 04 October 2019
    Athens – Greece

  • Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy

    01 to 04 October 2019
    Engelberg – Switzerland

  • Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy

    01 to 04 October 2019
    Engelberg – Switzerland

  • 16th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium

    23 to 25 September 2019
    Ulm – Germany

  • Third International Workshop on Electron Beam Spectroscopy for Nanophotonics (EBSN-2019)

    16 to 18 September 2019
    Orsay – France

    Workshop Chairs: Mathieu Kociak (CNRS), Javier García de Abajo (ICFO), Albert Polman (AMOLF)

  • Cryo-EM Beyond The Nobel

    16 to 20 September 2019
    Nottingham – United Kingdom

    There can be no doubt that Cryo-(T)EM is a hot topic following the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for its development. In fact many cryo-techniques have been around for over 40 years and are in use in both academic and industrial settings being applied to a full range of soft matter and materials samples beyond single particle analysis of proteins. This course looks to educate scientists and engineers to the full range of cryo-techniques, who are looking to characterise, analyse and understand structure / function of their samples where stabilisation of volatiles (often water) is required. Topics covered are expected to include:

    • Sample preparation / stabilisation (high-pressure freezing / plunge freezing)
    • Freeze-substitution / ultramicrotomy
    • Cryo-fluorescence microscopy / correlative microscopy
    • Cryo-TEM
    • Cryo-SEM / Cryo-FIB-SEM
    • Cryo X-Ray microscopy
    • Cryo-TOF-SIMS

    The course will be delivered by an international group of world-renowned speakers, staff from the NMRC, Nottingham and representatives from many commercial partners. The course is a mix of both lecture style presentations and hands-on practical sessions, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and explore the range of cryo-techniques on offer. By the end of the week attendees will have a good understanding of cryo-principles and appropriate usage of cryo-techniques as well as developing a network of contacts for the future.

    You can book here:

  • 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (MCM2019)

    15 to 20 September 2019
    Belgrade – Serbia

  • Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science (MFS2019)

    11 to 13 September 2019
    Granada – Spain

  • Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science. Joint Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Societies of Microscopy

    11 to 13 September 2019
    Granada – Spain

  • Flow Cytometry Course 2019

    08 to 13 September 2019
    University of York – York – United Kingdom

    This Flow Cytometry Course is aimed at both life science and clinical science fields, with the common fundamentals covered on day 1 and 2. The course then splits into life science and clinical orientated modules, from practical demonstrations to lectures highlighting not just the applications, but best practise as well. 

    The course is constructed as a set of three modules. You can elect to attend the Course from between two to five days, depending on the Modules selected.

    The Modules consist of lectures interspersed with sessions in the laboratory. It is anticipated that instruments from three manufacturers will be available for practical work.

  • Microscopy Conference MC2019

    01 to 05 September 2019
    Berlin – Germany

  • EUROMAT 2019

    01 to 05 September 2019
    Stockholm – Sweden

    Symposium on “Microscopy at the forefront of nanostructured materials characterization and correlation with modelling”(Symposium D2).

    Keynote and highlight presentations will be given by prominent speakers. 

    The abstract submission deadline is January 31st, 2019

    To submit your abstract, please click the following link:

    We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you there!

  • CenErgy 2019 - International PhD Summer School

    12 and 13 August 2019
    Technical University of Denmark – Denmark

  • Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 (M&M 2019)

    04 to 08 August 2019
    Portland – USA

  • NextTEM: Next-Generation Transmission Electron Microscopy Workshop

    04 August 2019
    Portland – USA

    The second annual Next-Generation Transmission Electron Microscopy (NexTEM) workshop will be held as a pre-meeting congress for Microscopy and Microanalysis 2019. This event will bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds to present the state-of-the-art in cutting edge electron microscopy tools and related applications. Specific areas of interest include advanced detector designs for all states of matter, recent developments in electron and phonon optics/instrumentation, in-situ and ultrafast TEM, cryo TEM, as well as data analytics and computational methods. Stimulating discussion and presentation of electron microscopy tools at the intersection of these fields will set the stage for advancement in these areas, as well as collaborative approaches to critical scientific issues in materials science, biology and medicine, physics, and chemistry.

  • 2nd Catania Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy school: conventional and counting EELS

    22 to 25 July 2019
    Catania, Sicily – Italy

  • Getting the most from your Confocal Course 2019

    18 and 19 July 2019
    University of York – York – United Kingdom

    This 2 day annual confocal course utilises many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) which are chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques.

    Focus is always on the techniques they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types. The 2-days consist of short tutorials followed by hands-on practice.

    Day 1 takes participants through the basic principles of confocal microscopy and then trains through hands-on practice how to configure and image multicolour, multidimensional samples using a confocal microscope.

    Day 2 builds on the experiences of day 1 and enables participants to try FRAP and spectral profiling.

  • Advanced CLEM Course

    17 to 19 July 2019
    London – United Kingdom

  • Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC) Summer School

    15 to 20 July 2019
    Edinburgh – United Kingdom

    The ESRIC super-resolution summer school is a five-day residential course held in Edinburgh. The course is designed to give participants a thorough grounding in super-resolution microscopy in an informal and intimate setting. It brings together leading academics and the major suppliers of super-resolution microscopes to provide expertise and guidance in the theory, practise and analysis of structured illumination microscopy (SIM), stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED), AiryScan and single molecule localization microscopies (PALM, sptPALM and dSTORM).

  • Crick EM Symposium: Focus on Correlative Imaging Across Scale

    15 and 16 July 2019
    London – United Kingdom

  • Light Microscopy Summer School 2019

    14 to 17 July 2019
    University of York – York – United Kingdom

    The Light Microscopy summer school is an annual, residential three day course held at the University of York covering the principles of light microscopy. Participants are also trained in practical issues surrounding light microscopy. After introductory presentations, the course is taught predominantly through hands-on practical sessions.

    The course is suitable for both novices and more experienced users wanting to gain a greater understanding of the microscope and feedback every year is always fantastic. Students came from a range of backgrounds in 2018, within both research and commercial organisations. All benefited greatly from the Course and left with increased understanding and skills.

    The course is immediately followed by a two day hands-on Confocal Course - Getting the most from your Confocal.

  • EMBL Course: Super Resolution Microscopy

    08 to 13 July 2019
    Heidelberg – Germany

  • Electron Microscopy Summer School 2019

    07 to 12 July 2019
    University of Leeds – Leeds – United Kingdom

    The EM Summer School aims to provide a basic training in both the theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The course covers imaging, diffraction and chemical microanalysis as well as the highly important area of sample preparation.

  • Microscience Microscopy Congress 2019 (MMC2019)

    01 to 04 July 2019
    Manchester Central – United Kingdom

  • Perspectives in Electron Microsopy

    21 June 2019
    Trento – Italy

  • 4th International Workshop on TEM Spectroscopy in Material Science

    17 to 19 June 2019
    Uppsala University – Sweden

    Are you curious about the recent progress in TEM spectroscopies, are you on expert level or learning a TEM spectroscopy technique, you are welcome to the 4th workshop on TEM spectroscopy in materials science that will be held on June 17th - 19th in Uppsala, Sweden.  The workshop will treat Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Electron Energy-LossSpectroscopy (EELS) as well as their applications to nano and atomic scale studies in materials. The different topics will be introduced by our invited speakers (for list see workshop website) The workshop consists of two days of lectures and one day of laboratory courses that include imaging and spectroscopy at the atomic level.

  • EMAT Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy

    11 to 21 June 2019
    Antwerp – Belgium

    A complete training on HRTEM and TEM spectroscopy focused on hands-on experience. A state-of-the-art training in Transmission Electron Microscopy at the highest level is provided. Lectures will be given by staff members of the EMAT research group and special topics are covered by guest lecturers. The main focus of the workshop is to provide practical experience with a broad range of TEM instruments. We offer the choice between 3 different modules, “High resolution TEM” , “TEM Spectroscopy” and “In situ TEM”, preceded by a workshop on “Basic TEM”. Confirmed speakers: Sandra Van Aert (University of Antwerp, BE) Sara Bals (University of Antwerp, BE) Joost Batenburg (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, NL) Armand Béché (University of Antwerp, BE) Dirk van Dyck (University of Antwerp, BE) Rolf Erni (EMPA, CH) Marc De Graef (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Werner Grogger (TU Graz, A) Thomas Hansen (Technical Univ. Denmark, DK) Marijn van Huis (University of Utrecht, NL) Hosni Idrissi (UC Louvain, BE) Joke Hadermann (University of Antwerp, BE) Knut Müller-Caspary (Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE) Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (University of Antwerp, BE) Jo Verbeeck (University of Antwerp, BE) Qiang Xu (DensSolutions)

  • IVSLA International School on Nanoscale Optical Microscopy

    11 to 14 June 2019
    Venice – Italy

  • EMBO Practical Course: Advanced methods of electron microscopy in cell biology

    10 to 20 June 2019
    České Budějovice – Czech Republic

  • Ultrastructure and Skin Imaging in the Era of Global Dermatology-46th Annual Meeting 2019 SCUR@WCD

    10 June 2019
    Milan – Italy

    Abstract submission deadline extended to April 25th!

  • Advanced quantitative transmission electron microscopy: materials research in several dimensions

    27 to 31 May 2019
    Nice – France

    The abstract deadline is January 21 2019.

    We are looking forward to your contribution and to a vivid exchange of ideas between the electron microscopy and materials science communities.

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