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  • Young Life Scientists Ireland (YLSI) conference

    12 November 2011
    University College Dublin (UCD) – Dublin – Ireland

    EMS sponsored lecture in Dublin

    • Jeremy Simpson (Cell Biology, University College Dublin, Ireland)
      • Novel Advances in Biological Imaging

  • Electron Microscopy and Analysis 2011

    06 to 09 September 2011
    University – Birmingham – United Kingdom

    EMS sponsored lecture in Birmingham

    • Knut Urban (Ernst-Ruska Centre, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany)
      • “Picometre Transmission Electron Microscopy”
    • Jo Verbeeck (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
      • “Vortex electron beams: a new phenomena in the electron microscope”

  • 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy

    04 to 09 September 2011
    Scientific Campus Urbino University – Urbino – Italy

    Organization: ASEM, CSEM, CSMS, HSM, SISM, SSM, SDM

    EMS lectures at Urbino

    • András Kovács (Research Centre Jülich, Germany) 
    • Antonio Nanci (Université de Montréal)

  • 6th International Workshop on Infrared Spectroscopy and Microscopy with Accelerator-Based Sources

    04 to 09 September 2011
    Savoia Excelsior Palace – Trieste – Italy

  • Microscopy Conference 2011

    28 August to 02 September 2011
    Kiel – Germany

    Organization: DGE, SCANDEM, PTMi

    EMS lectures at Kiel

    • Holger Stark (Göttingen, Germany) 
    • Jannik C. Meyer (Vienna, Austria)

  • XIVth International Conference on Electron Microscopy

    26 to 30 June 2011
    Wisla – Poland

    EMS sponsored lecture in Wisla

    • Prof. Michael Lehmann (Technical University, Berlin, Germany)
      • “Progress in Electron Holography”
    • Dr Chrisoph Koch (Max-Planck-Institut fur Metallforschung, Germany)
      • “Applications of Bright- and Dark-Field Inline Electron Holography”

  • School on electron crystallography

    02 to 12 June 2011
    Ettore Majorana Centre – Erice – Italy

    EMS sponsored lecture in Erice

    • Kenji Tsuda (MRAM, Tohoku University, Japan)
      • “Theory of dynamical diffraction”
      • “Quantitative CBED”

  • 45th ISM annual meeting

    25 and 26 May 2011
    Kibbutz Hagoshrim – Israel

    EMS sponsored lecture in Kibbutz Hagoshrim

    • Carolyn Larabell (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
      • “X-ray tomography generates 3-D views of whole cells at 50 nm resolution”
    • Christian Colliex (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
      • “From STEM-EELS to multi-dimensional and multi-signal electron microscopy”

  • XXXIVth SBCF Meeting 2011: Cell Cycle Cancer & Development

    25 to 28 May 2011
    Saint-Malo – France

    EMS sponsored lecture in Saint Malo

    • Erich Nigg (Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland)

  • Winterschool 2011: Practical course in advanced microscopy

    16 to 21 January 2011
    ETH – Zurich – Switzerland

    EMS sponsored lecture in Zurich

    • Dr. Heinz Schwarz (Max-Planck-Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie, Tübingen, Germany)
      • “Immunocytochemistry for LM and EM”

  • Nano-Molecular Analysis for Emerging Technologies IV

    09 and 10 November 2010
    NPL – Teddington – United Kingdom

    Organization: National Physical Laboratory

    EMS sponsored lectures in Teddington

    • Janos Vörös (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
      • “Interfacing electronic devices with biology at different length-scales”
    • Alain Brunelle (CNRS, France)
      • “Cluster TOF-SIMS imaging to reveal lipid modifications in tissue”

  • EELS/EFTEM Meeting 2010

    27 to 29 October 2010
    ETH – Zurich – Switzerland

    Organization: Workgroup on Energy Filtering and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EF & EELS)

    EMS sponsored lectures in Zurich

    • R. Schneider (Laboratory for Electron Microscopy Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Germany )
      • Tutorial lecture: “Practical aspects of EELS”
    • Bernhard Schaffer (SuperSTEM, Daresbury Laboratory, UK)
      • Tutorial lecture: “Data Analysis in Digital Micrograph: Data correction and Multivariate Statistical Analysis of EELS Spectrum-Image Data”
      • Practical: “Workshop on Digital Micrograph Scripting for beginners”

  • IInd EMBO Practical Course on 3D Developmental Imaging

    09 October 2010
    Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência – Oeiras – Portugal

    Organization: European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)

    EMS sponsored lectures in Oeiras

    • Ernst Stelzer (EMBL - Heidelberg and FMLS, Goethe University, Germany)
      • “Light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) reduces phototoxic effects and provides new means for the modern life sciences”
    • James Sharpe (Systems Biology, CRG - Barcelona, Spain)
      • “4D OPT”

  • XXI International Symposium of Morphological Sciences

    18 to 22 September 2010
    Messina-Taormina, Sicily – Italy

    EMS sponsored lectures in Taormina

    • Yasuo Uchiyama (Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan)
      • “Cell death and autophagy”

  • 4th CIMST Interdisciplinary Summer School on Bio-medical Imaging

    06 to 17 September 2010
    ETH – Zurich – Switzerland

    Organization: Zurich Center for Imaging Science and Technology (CIMST)

    EMS sponsored lectures in Zurich


    28 June to 01 July 2010
    ExCeL – London – United Kingdom

    Organization: RMS

    EMS lectures at London:

    • Sir John Meurig Thomas (University of Cambridge): "The Genius of Michael Faraday" 
    • Wolfgang Baumeister (Technical University of Munich): "Cryo-electron microscopy: From molecules to systems "

  • Past, present and future of (S)TEM and its applications

    09 to 11 June 2010
    CNRS headquarters – Paris – France

    Organization: Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Groupe STEM

    EMS sponsored lectures in Paris

    • Helmut Kohl (Physikalisches Institut, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Germany)
      • “Image formation by inelastically scattered electrons”

  • 2010 Annual Conference of the Nordic Microscopy Society

    08 to 10 June 2010
    Kista Forum – Stockholm – Sweden

    Main organizer: Prof. Oleg Shupliakov, KI

    EMS lectures at Stockholm

    • Niels de Jonge (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA): "Imaging Tagged Proteins in Eukaryotic Cells in Liquid with Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy" 
    • Martin Hýtch (CEMES-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, France): "Measuring strain in electronics devices by dark-field electron holography"

  • E-MRS 2010 Spring Meeting: Quantitative Electron Microscopy for Research and Industry

    07 to 11 June 2010
    Congress Center – Strasbourg – France

    Organization: European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)

  • Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference

    20 to 22 May 2010
    Royal Tropical Institute (Tropenmuseum) – Amsterdam – Netherlands

    EMS sponsored lecture in Amsterdam

    • Denis Duboule (Dept Zoology and Animal Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
      • “Genetic Control of Vertebrate Morphogenesis and Evolution”
    • Frank Grosveld (Erasmus University Medical Center, Dept Cell Biology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
      • “Interactions in the genome”

  • All Things Cryo Course, 9 – 13 October 2023

    23 2009 to 13 October 2023
    York – United Kingdom

    The course consists of two and half days, broken into a morning and afternoon virtual lecture sessions, covering the theory of the techniques. Days 4 and 5 (Thursday and Friday) will be filled with practical demo / Q&A sessions to explore the practical points of the techniques / approaches with the delegates in person, should they wish to go to Nottingham. The course is designed to be suitable for anyone that wants to explore cryogenic microscopy methods to support their research and this could apply to life sciences, material sciences and beyond.

  • XXI Conference on Applied Crystallography

    20 to 24 September 2009
    Zakopane – Poland

    Organization: University of Silesia and the Polish Academy of Sciences

    EMS sponsored lectures in Zakopane

    • Janos Lábár (Hungary):
      • "Introduction to TEM and SAED"
      • "ProcessDiffraction"
    • Jean-Paul Morniroli (France):
      • "Introduction to CBED and LACBED"
      • "JEMS"

  • Advanced School on Nanofabrication and Nanomanipulation

    08 September 2009
    University – Sheffield – United Kingdom

    Organization: Electron Microscopy of Analysis Group of the Institute of Physics, UK

    EMS sponsored lecture in Sheffield

    • I Utke (EMPA, Thun, Switzerland)

  • Microscopy Conference 2009 - Joint Meeting of MCM9 and Dreilaendertagung

    30 August to 04 September 2009
    Graz – Austria

    Organisation: Dreilaendertagung - ASEM, DGE, SSOM and MCM9 - ASEM, CSEM, CSMS, HSM, SISM, SSM, SDM

  • Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy and Analysis

    05 to 14 August 2009
    Jyväskylä – Finland

    Organization: Jyväskylä Summer School (JSS), Solubiologia (SOB)

    EMS sponsored lectures in Jyväskylä

  • Interdisciplinary conference on 3D microscopy 2009

    12 to 16 July 2009
    Congress Centre – Interlaken – Switzerland

    Organization: Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy (SSOM)

    EMS sponsored lectures in Interlaken

    • Urs Staufer (TU Delft, Micro and Nano Engineering Laboratory, The Netherlands):
      • "Scanning Force Microscopy on Mars"

  • School on Electron Precession

    06 to 10 July 2009
    Bouvines, Lille – France

    Organization: French Society of Microscopy

    EMS sponsored lectures in Bouvines

    • Laurence Daniel Marks (Professor of Materials Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA):
      • "Structure determination by Precession Electron Diffraction "

  • Advanced Electron Microscopy Summer School

    20 June to 04 July 2009
    Copenhagen – Denmark

    EMS sponsored lectures in Copenhagen

    • Ondrej Krivanek

  • Joint Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Microscopy Societies

    16 to 19 June 2009
    Segovia – Spain

    EMS sponsored lectures in Segovia

  • SCANDEM 2009

    08 to 10 June 2009
    Reykjavik – Iceland

    Organization: SCANDEM

    EMS sponsored lectures in Reykjavik

    • Stefan W. Hell (the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen):
      • "Far-Field Optical Nanoscopy"
    • Martha R. McCartney (Department of Physics, Arizona State University):
      • "Nanoscale Imaging of Electric and Magnetic Fields by Off-Axis Electron Holography"

  • QEM2009 Workshop

    17 to 29 May 2009
    Saint-Aygulf – France

    Organization: ESTEEM, CEMES-CNRS

    EMS sponsored lectures in Saint-Aygulf

    • F. Hofer (Graz)
    • M. Lehmann (Berlin)

  • Winterschool 2009: Practical course in advanced microscopy

    10 to 16 January 2009
    ETHZ and UNI – Zurich – Switzerland

    EMS sponsored lecture in Zurich

    • Heinz Schwarz , Max-Planck-Institut Tübingen
      • "Immunolabelled ultrathin sections"


    07 to 11 September 2008
    Trieste – Italy

    Organization: LEEMPEEM

    EMS sponsored lectures in Trieste

    • A. R. Faruqi (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, U.K):
      • "Principles and prospects of direct high resolution electron image acquisition with CMOS detectors at low energies"
    • E. Bauer (Arizona State University, Arizona, USA):
      • "Past and future of LEEM and PEEM"

  • 14th European Microscopy Congress

    01 to 05 September 2008
    Eurogress Centre – Aachen – Germany

    A "Declaration of Intend" was signed early 2005 by all parties involved (EMS, DGE, RWTH, IFSM) followed by the signing of a formal agreement by all parties at the end of September 2005 !

    On April 10, 2006, EMS has signed a contract with Eveni Conference Management for the on-line management of registration, abstract submission and refereeing at future EMC and other events organized by or in collaboration with EMS. We are convinced that this is a major step in the support that EMS will be giving to European scientists in organizing local, regional or international meetings.

    EMS is looking for candidates for the organization of the 15th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2012. With the growing interest in microscopy, EMC is looking for congress sites capable of accommodating around 1500 attendants following up to 10 parallel sessions plus a commercial space of around 2000 m 2 (incl. walking space). Applications have to be sent to the EMS Secretary by January 31, 2008, according to the stipulations listed in point F.2 of the By-Laws of the Constitutions. The final venue will be decided by the General Council which will meet in Aachen during EMC 2008. 

  • EMBO practical course on Developmental Imaging

    23 to 30 June 2008
    Oeiras – Portugal

    Organisation: EMBO

    EMS sponsored lectures in Oeiras

  • XIIIth International Conference on Electron Microscopy

    08 to 11 June 2008
    Zakopane – Poland

    EMS sponsored lectures in Zakopane

    • Knut Urban (Research Centre Jülich Institute of Solid State):
      • "Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopy - at the Frontier of Materials Science in Atomic Dimensions"
    • Philippe Buffat (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne):
      • "Irradiation effects under intense probes and beams in modern microscopes"

  • SCANDEM 2008

    02 to 04 June 2008
    Lyngby – Denmark

    Organisation: SCANDEM

    EMS sponsored lectures in Lyngby

    • Frank Muecklich (Saarland University, Germany):
      • "Microstructural tomography"
    • Rainer Heintzmann (King's College London, UK):
      • "Live cell imaging"

  • 3rd Serbian Congress for Microscopy

    25 to 28 September 2007

    Organization: SCM

    EMS sponsored lectures in Belgrade

    • Ray Smallman (University of Birmingham, UK)
    • Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (University of Antwerp, Belgium)

  • EMAG 2007

    03 to 07 September 2007
    Glasgow – United Kingdom

    Organization: EMAG

    EMS sponsored lectures in Glasgow

    • Christian Colliex (Université de Paris-Sud, France)
    • Michael M.J. Treacy (Arizona State University, USA)

  • SCANDEM 2007

    18 to 20 June 2007
    Espoo – Finland

    Organization: SCANDEM

    EMS sponsored lectures in Espoo

    • J. Lucocq (University of Dundee, Scotland)
    • R. Dunin-Borkowski (University of Cambridge, UK)

  • 8 th Multinational Congress on Microscopy

    17 to 21 June 2007
    Prague – Czech Republic

    Organisation: ASEM, CSEM, CMS, HSM, SISM, SDEM

    EMS lectures at Prague:

    • Prof. Archie Howie (Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, UK) : Extrapolating from fifty years of dislocation imaging - reaching into the core 
    • Dr. Ondrej Krivanek (Nion, Seattle, USA) : Aberration-corrected nano-analysis 
    • Prof. Ueli Aebi (M.E. Müller Institute, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland) : Microscopy in biomedicine

  • 3rd CHIRALTEM workshop

    31 May and 01 June 2007
    Trieste – Italy

  • Focus on Microscopy 2007

    10 to 13 April 2007
    Valencia – Spain

    Organization: University of Valencia, University of Amsterdam

    EMS sponsored lectures in Valencia

    • Cees Otto (Biophysical Techniques Group, Enschede, The Netherlands)

  • 14th Conference and Workshop on Electron Backscatter Diffraction

    26 to 28 March 2007
    New Lanarkshire, Scotland – United Kingdom

    Organization: RMS

    EMS sponsored lectures in New Lanarkshire

    • Peter Konijnenberg (Denmark)
    • Aimo Winkelmann (Max-Planck-Institut, Germany)

  • EMAT Winter Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy

    17 to 26 January 2007
    Antwerp – Belgium

    Organization: EMAT, ESTEEM project

    EMS sponsored lectures in Antwerp

    • Jean Paul Morniroli (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France):
      • "Electron diffraction and CBED"

  • NVvM and BVM/SBM joint meeting

    26 to 28 November 2006
    Lunteren – Netherlands

    Organisation: NVvM, BVM/SBM

    EMS lectures at Lunteren:

    • M. Rogers (Graz University of Technology, Austria): The FIB a versatile tool in Materials and Life Science 
    • R. Brydson (University of Leeds, UK): The structure and chemistry of nanoparticulates and implications for toxicity


    27 to 29 September 2006
    Vienna – Austria

    Organization: ASEM, University of Vienna

    EMS sponsored lectures in Vienna

    • Andrew Bleloch (SuperStem, Daresbury, UK)
    • Helmut Kohl (University of Münster, Germany)

  • School on structure determination by the combination of X-ray powder diffraction and Electron Crystallography

    01 to 04 August 2006
    Antwerp – Belgium

    Organization: University of Antwerp, EMAT

    EMS sponsored lectures in Antwerp

    • L. Marks (Northwestern University, USA)
    • L. Meshi (Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel)

  • Microscience 2006

    27 to 29 June 2006
    London – United Kingdom

    Organization: RMS

    EMS sponsored lectures in London

    • S. McDanels (NASA, USA)
    • T. Schaeffer (Center for Nanotechnology & Physikalisches Institut, Universität Münster, Germany)

  • 12th WIEN2k workshop & 2nd CHIRALTEM workshop

    19 to 23 April 2006
    Vienna – Austria

    Organization: Vienna University of Technology, CHIRALTEM project

    EMS sponsored lectures in Vienna

    • G. Botton (McMaster University, Canada)
    • L. Reining (Ecole Polytechnique, France)

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