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EMS Secretariat, February 13, 2003

Prof. em. dr. E. Wisse

Laboratory for Cell Biology and Histology
Free University of Brussels (VUB)
Laarbeeklaan 103
B-1090 Brussels-Jette, Belgium
Tel: (+32)-2-477.44.04
EMS web site:


Dear EMS member,

      A few months have elapsed since the previous EMS Newsletter appeared. A short version of this Newsletter has been printed in Imaging & Microscopy 4, 46 (2002), a journal published by GIT verlag ( ). With these newletters we plan to keep you informed about microscopy events in Europe and the development of EMS as a new European Society. EMS is the successor of CESM or CESEM, an umbrella organisation taking care of quadrennial European Electron Microscopy Congresses.

Who are the members of EMS?

     Many national microscopy societies have supported our initiative by joining EMS by en-bloc membership, meaning that every member is also a member of EMS. As a membership fee they have paid an extra € 5 to their membership fee of the national microscopy society. Most societies have transmitted an electronic version of their membership list and some societies are still considering the situation, or have informed us that they are not willing to join. Countrywise, the present EMS membership is composed as follows: Belgium (130), Croatia (46), Czech and Slovak Republic (189), France (280), Greece (61), Italy (262), Ireland (60), Israel (213), Netherlands (498), Poland (68), Russia (8), Slovenia (41), Spain (160), Switzerland (325), Turkey (136), UK (EMAG and RMS, 409), Yugoslavia (53) and Germany (105), or a total of 3044 members. All these members should receive this newsletter in printed or electronic form, provided that up-to-date email addresses and postal addresses are available to us. Since EMS has adopted email as the preferred means of communication with its members, it is essential to have a current email address of each individual member.

EMS-extension to the Pula microscopy congress: June 1 - 5, 2003

     The 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy with European Extension (6th MCM.EE) is jointly organized by the Croatian, Austrian, Czechoslovak, Hungarian, Italian and Slovenian Societies for Microscopy in cooperation with the European Microscopy Society. The purpose of an EMS-extension is to offer European microscopists an opportunity to meet once a year. EMS will sponsor the meeting with two invited speakers, who will deliver "EMS lectures" to be published in the EMS Yearbook. This congress will be hosted by the Croatian Society for Electron Microscopy. It will take place in the Congress Centre of hotel Histria, located in the outskirts of the ancient town of Pula (Istria, Croatia). The Congress will offer five days of plenary lectures, symposia with invited speakers, oral and poster contributions, a technical forum and a round table discussion. All microscopy topics in material sciences, life sciences, imaging and instrumentation will be covered. Recent microscopy equipment, accessories and products will be exhibited. EMS members are cordially invited to contribute to the scientific programme and send an abstract and register as a participant. An excursion and social events will be organized. Further information can be obtained from the President of the 6th MCM.EE Organising Committee, Dr. Ognjen Milat < > or at the congress website: < >. The deadline for abstract submission is February 28th.

The next European Microscopy Congress: EMC 2004 in Antwerp, August 22 - 27, 2004 (previously EUREM)

     The preparations for EMC 2004 are moving along as expected. Over 4000 first circulars have been distributed with the much appreciated help of the different national societies. The circular is available in PDF-format at < >. A poster will be distributed in February. By now, a large number of expressions of interest have been filed by scientific delegates as well as commercial exhibitors. Meanwhile, the programme committee has received several interesting and valuable suggestions from its members as well as from the International Scientific Advisory Board and the EMS Executive. With these, we are compiling an exciting scientific programme, including regular oral and poster sessions, courses, open question slots and special interest lectures. The latter feature is a novelty at the European microscopy meetings.

     The second circular is scheduled for September 2003. All those who have sent an expression of interest will receive a copy. This circular will contain all necessary information about registration, abstract submission, accommodation, social events etc. The deadline for early registration and abstract submission will be February 2004. EMS will sponsor the meeting by contributing to the expenses of two invited speakers. During the congress, two prestigious Ernst Ruska Prizes will be awarded to talented, young microscopists.

     As for the commercial delegates, detailed pricing and conditions for the exhibition, advertisements and other possible ways of sponsoring the meeting will be available early 2003. Exhibitors and sponsors who expressed an interest, will receive this information. For the latest news or for filing your expression of interest in an easy electronic way, visit < >.

A new microscopy society: the Polish Society for Microscopy (PTMi)

     The Polish Society for Microscopy was recently created. This event was supported by the President of EMS, Prof. Jose Carrascosa, who participated in a meeting of the Committee for Electron Microscopy of the Polish Academy of Sciences in October 2001 in Krakow. The new constitution of the PTMi was accepted by all PTMi members. The aim of the PTMi is to encourage microscopy in Poland, to organize and to support microscopy conferences, regularly organized in Poland since 1953, together with specialized workshops. At present, the PTMi has 68 members.

     A General Assembly elected the Executive Board and decided to join EMS. The President is Prof. Aleksandra Czyrska-Filemonowicz, her email address is < >. The official address of the Society is:
Polish Society for Microscopy,
University of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH),
Al. Mickiewicza 30,
PL-30059 Krakow,

     The PTMi is organizing the 1st Stanislaw Gorczyca Summer School on Transmission Electron Microscopy. This is planned to be an international event, especially organized for the benefit of PhD students and young electron microscopists. By organizing this Summer School, the PTMi would like to honor Prof. Gorczyca and emphasise his important contributions. The official language of this meeting will be English. For further infomation contact < >. The School, to be held in the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow, will be composed of two parts:

  • June 30 - July 1: Preparation workshop on "Advanced sample preparation techniques for TEM"
  • July 2 - 5: Summer School on "Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy"

News from the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM)

     In September 2002 the IFSEM General Assembly was held in Durban, South Africa, where 1200 microscopists from all over the world had a successful meeting. Several decisions were taken, which might be of interest to all microscopists. First, IFSEM "dropped its E" (IFSEM > IFSM), meaning that the Federation will no longer be an organisation of societies for electron microscopy, but instead will extend its field of interest to all kinds of microscopy. It was also decided that the next International Congress for Microscopy (ICM-16) will be held in Sapporo, Japan in 2006. Industry will also become a member of IFSM, by organizing all exhibitors and microscopy-oriented firms into a legal body, which will function within IFSEM as if they were a microscopy society. A representative of industry will have a seat in the IFSM Executive. The new President of IFSM is Prof. David Cockayne, the new secretary is Prof. Barry Carter, and the past president of EMS, Prof. Wolfgang Baumeister became a member of the Executive. Further information about IFSM on < >.

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