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Members of the Executive Board are elected in the following functions:

  • President
  • Past-president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Organizer of the next EMC
  • Organizer of the last EMC
  • A representative of the European Corporate Member Assembly (ECMA)
  • Members

Candidatures for the above functions are collected by the Executive Board and votes are cast by the General Assembly; the past president, the two organizers of the EMC and the ECMA representatives are not elected.

Candidates may be proposed by the Executive Board, national societies with en-bloc membership, or a group of twenty EMS members on the basis of:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Achievements in microscopy
  • Scientific field of interest
  • Potential of contributing to the aims of The Society
  • Country of origin

Written proposals are to be received by the secretary three months prior to the date of elections.

The Executive Board will make a balanced proposal from the list of candidates to become member of the next Executive Board, in such a way that the proposed candidates represent different countries in Europe and represent different disciplines in microscopy from the physical, life sciences and instrumentation areas. The complete list of all proposed candidates will be published two months before the General Assembly. Any candidate may be elected by the General Assembly, subject to limiting rules in other paragraphs of this constitution and by-laws.

No more than two members of the Executive Board shall come from the same country, nor shall any one person be elected into two offices simultaneously. President, secretary and treasurer should be residents of different countries.

The Executive Board should not contain more than fourteen members, regardless of their function.

List of candidates for the new EMS Executive Board for the period of 2024 to 2028, including selected duties:

President: Vladislav Krzyzanek (Brno, Czech Republic)

Secretary: Catherine Venien-Bryan (Paris, France)

Treasurer: Philipe Leclère (Mons, Belgium)

Members: Agnes Kittel (Budapest, Hungary), Lewys Jones (Dublin, Ireland), Thomas Müller-Reichert (Dresden, Germany), Saso Sturm (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Servet Turan (Eskişehir, Turkey), Paul Verkade (Bristol, United Kingdom), Igor Weber (Zagreb, Croatia)

The following people will be ex-officio members of the Executive Board:

Past-president: José Maria Valpuesta (Madrid, Spain)

Chair EMC2024: Klaus Qvortrup (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Chair EMC2028: Winner of EMC 2028, to be voted at the General council

ECMA representative: Kornelia Weidemann (Thermofisher Germany) 


The proposed Board would be constituted of 7# LS and 5# MS.

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