It is stated in the EMS Constitution that:
D.10. The Executive Board shall meet in advance of the General Assembly. The Executive Board may also meet at conferences with a European extension, or at international meetings organized by IFSM or at any other time and place of their choosing. At a meeting of the Executive Board a single majority of the officers shall constitute a quorum. The agenda of an Executive Board meeting will be distributed by e-mail to all members of the Executive Board, enabling the members to give their opinion on points on the agenda prior to the meeting. During the periods between meetings of the Executive Board, voting may take place by e-mail. Decisions of the Executive Board shall be made by a simple majority. The President or the Secretary may invite an individual to be present at the meeting of the Executive Board. Such an invited guest may take part in the discussion, but shall have no voting power.
D.11. Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Board shall be made by the Secretary.