EMS sponsored events
EMS has designed several ways in which the society supports the organisation of microscopy related events within Europe. Next to the well-defined involvement in the organisation of the quadrennial European Microscopy Congresses (EMC series, successor of EUREM) and the explicit support of the EMS extensions EMS also supports local microscopy related meetings, schools, courses etc.. At present this support includes financial sponsoring to cover part of the costs of two invited lecturers, assistance in electronic distribution of information about the meeting to the extended EMS membership, etc...
Eligibility criteria, the procedure for requesting EMS support etc. are given on a separate page.
Past Top
EMAT Winter Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy
17 to 26 January 2007
Antwerp – BelgiumOrganization: EMAT, ESTEEM project
EMS sponsored lectures in Antwerp
- Jean Paul Morniroli (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France):
- "Electron diffraction and CBED"
- Jean Paul Morniroli (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France):
27 to 29 September 2006
Vienna – AustriaOrganization: ASEM, University of Vienna
EMS sponsored lectures in Vienna
- Andrew Bleloch (SuperStem, Daresbury, UK)
- Helmut Kohl (University of Münster, Germany)
School on structure determination by the combination of X-ray powder diffraction and Electron Crystallography
01 to 04 August 2006
Antwerp – BelgiumOrganization: University of Antwerp, EMAT
EMS sponsored lectures in Antwerp
- L. Marks (Northwestern University, USA)
- L. Meshi (Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Microscience 2006
27 to 29 June 2006
London – United KingdomOrganization: RMS
EMS sponsored lectures in London
- S. McDanels (NASA, USA)
- T. Schaeffer (Center for Nanotechnology & Physikalisches Institut, Universität Münster, Germany)
12th WIEN2k workshop & 2nd CHIRALTEM workshop
19 to 23 April 2006
Vienna – AustriaOrganization: Vienna University of Technology, CHIRALTEM project
EMS sponsored lectures in Vienna
- G. Botton (McMaster University, Canada)
- L. Reining (Ecole Polytechnique, France)