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  • Salamanca Summer International Course on Advanced Biophysics and Structural Biology

    30 June to 05 July 2025

    The first “Salamanca Summer International Course on Advanced Biophysics and Structural Biology” ( will take place at the University of Salamanca, one of the world oldest universities (the third oldest, after Bologna and Oxford), and located in the beautiful city of Salamanca, a World Heritage city. The course is organized by Profs. Carlos Bustamante and Eva Nogales from the University of California at Berkeley. The 5-day course (June 30 – July 5) will cover single molecule studies and biological imaging at the molecular and cellular levels and will have both lectures and hands-on components. It will be preceded by a one-day symposium (June 29) on “Advanced Structural and Molecular Biology” open to the scientific community.

    Deadline for registration: December 15, 2024


Past Top

  • Getting the most from your Confocal Course

    00 November 0000 to 11 July 2024

    This two day annual confocal course, held at the University of York, utilises many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) which are chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques. Focus is always on the techniques they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types. The two days consist of short tutorials followed by hands-on practice.

    Day 1 takes participants through the basic principles of confocal microscopy and then trains them, through hands-on practice, how to configure and image multicolour, multidimensional samples using a confocal microscope.

    Day 2 builds on the experience of Day 1 and enables participants to try FRAP and spectral profiling.


  • Flow Cytometry Course, 4 – 8 September 2023

    23 2004 to 08 September 2023

    This Flow Cytometry Course is aimed at both clinical applications and applications in cell biology, with the common fundamentals covered on Day 1 and 2. The course then splits into clinical applications and applications in cell biology streams, from practical demonstrations to lectures highlighting not just the applications, but best practise as well.
    The course is constructed as a set of three modules. You can elect to attend the course from between two to five days, depending on the modules selected. 
    The modules consist of lectures interspersed with sessions in the laboratory. It is anticipated that instruments from two manufacturers will be available for practical work.
    This course is open to all and is suitable for those who are relatively new to flow cytometry and who wish to expand their experience with applications and specific analysis.


  • All Things Cryo Course, 9 – 13 October 2023

    23 2009 to 13 October 2023

    The course consists of two and half days, broken into a morning and afternoon virtual lecture sessions, covering the theory of the techniques. Days 4 and 5 (Thursday and Friday) will be filled with practical demo / Q&A sessions to explore the practical points of the techniques / approaches with the delegates in person, should they wish to go to Nottingham. The course is designed to be suitable for anyone that wants to explore cryogenic microscopy methods to support their research and this could apply to life sciences, material sciences and beyond.


  • Basics of resin embedding and ultrathin sectioning section

    18 to 20 January 2016


  • Basics of the Tokuyasu Technique (Ultrathin cryo-sectioning of chemically fixed material and immunogold labeling)

    22 to 25 January 2016


  • 8th Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopy and EELS School

    29 May to 03 June 2016

    Hosted by the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy


  • Advance course Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)

    23 to 28 June 2016


  • RMS Light Microscopy Summer School

    04 to 06 July 2016


  • RMS Getting the Most from your Confocal Course

    07 and 08 July 2016


  • RMS Electron Microscopy Summer School

    11 to 15 July 2016


  • International Summer School on Nanofabrication and Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization

    18 to 22 July 2016


  • Summer School on Electron Microscopy, TEMUCA2016

    18 to 22 July 2016


  • Microspectroscopy; Functional Imaging of Biological systems

    06 to 15 September 2016

    This is a FEBS practical course for young scientists and PhD students. During this course, students will learn several microscopic and spectroscopic techniques for studying biological processes in living cells.


  • 6th "Pier Giorgio Merli" TEM School in Materials Science

    14 November 2016 to 10 February 2017

    The Italian Society for Microscopical Sciences and the CNR-IMM Institute organise the 6th edition of the Transmission Electron Microscopy School in Materials Science. The school consists of two weeks of theoretical and practical courses and is open to participants from all countries.


  • “Transmission electron microscopy in life sciences” Course

    28 November 2016

    The course "Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences" is aimed at beginners and intermediate users of transmission electron microscopes in biomedicine. It will devote about equal time to the theory and to practical use of microscopes. The course is limited to 15 participants and during practical sessions the participants will be divided into three groups. The techniques discussed at theoretical sessions will be demonstrated on three transmission electron microscopes of varying complexity - the simplest Morgagni, more complex Philips CM 100 and the most powerful Tecnai T20. After the course, the participants should understand the principles of construction and function of transmission electron microscopes, should be able to align the microscope for optimal performance, to identify and eliminate most common aberrations and alignment artifacts, to understand the principles of image generation in transmission electron microscopy, and to identify optimal ways of image acquisition. The participants will be also given up-to-date information about best ways of sample preparation for transmission electron microscopy, and about recent transmission electron microscopy trends in biomedicine. Participants are encouraged to bring their own samples on 3.05 mm TEM grids. There will be ample opportunity for the participants to discuss their specific problems with the faculty.

    The course will be taught in English.


  • RMS Electron Microscopy Spring School

    01 February 2017

    The RMS EM Spring School aims to provide a basic training in both the theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The course covers imaging, diffraction and chemical microanalysis as well as the highly important area of sample preparation.



    06 to 10 March 2017

    With this workshop we want to demonstrate the possibilities of cryo-TEM, and to show you how to use this powerful technique in your own research and in your own laboratory. The workshop is aimed at participants at PhD/post doc level and who are experienced in basic microscopy and who wish to ex- tend their knowledge and practical experience in 2D and/or 3D cryo-imaging. The workshop will con- sist of lectures from experts, but also of extensive practical, hands-on sessions where you will be stimulated to investigate samples from your own research.


  • Course SEM & Microanalysis

    06 to 10 March 2017


  • RMS Electron Microscopy Spring School

    26 to 31 March 2017

    The RMS EM Spring School aims to provide a basic training in both the theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The course covers imaging, diffraction and chemical microanalysis as well as the highly important area of sample preparation.


  • Porto AFM Training Workshop 2017

    10 to 13 April 2017

    The course will run from the 10th to 13th April. This is a training workshop, aimed at any researcher or scientist, who wants to learn about AFM, or increase their knowledge of the technique. Following the successful courses that have run since 2011, the course will includes several hours hands-on training in acquiring images with the atomic force microscope as well as AFM data processing.


  • DPC Workshop at Regensburg University

    22 and 23 May 2017

    Please note: there is a strict limitation to 8 persons due to instrument availability.


  • 2nd France-BioImaging CLEM course - Correlative microscopies: theory and applications

    29 May to 02 June 2017


  • ImageJ workshop 'Introduction to ImageJ/Fiji'

    01 June 2017


  • FEBS Advanced Course "Functional imaging of cellular signals"

    11 to 16 June 2017

    The ability of cells to perceive and correctly respond to their environment is the basis of development, tissue repair and immunity as well as normal tissue homeostasis Errors in cell signalling are responsible for many diseases. In order to understand cell signalling, microscopic techniques can be used to elucidate signal complex composition, organization and dynamics. This practical advanced course will provide participants the theoretical background and give hands-on experience of state-of-the-art microscopy techniques under guidance of experts in the field.
    Techniques: Confocal, TIRF and spinning-disk microscopy, FRAP, FLIM, biosensor FRET & FCS.
    Participants: 20 PhD students & postdocs with microscope experience

    Contact: Dr. M.A. Hink (


  • EMAT Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy

    12 to 23 June 2017

    A complete training on HRTEM and TEM spectroscopy  focused on hands-on experience.

    A state-of-the-art training in Transmission Electron Microscopy at the highest level is provided. Lectures will be given by staff members of the EMAT research group and special topics are covered by guest lecturers. The main focus of the workshop is to provide practical experience with a broad range of TEM instruments. We offer the choice between 2 different modules, “High resolution TEM” and “TEM Spectroscopy”, preceded by a workshop on “Basic TEM”.


  • 'The reciprocal reality: electron diffraction in the new age' - Advanced TEM workshop

    12 to 14 June 2017


  • Summer School in Advanced Light Microscopy 2017

    12 to 16 June 2017


  • Advanced course Correlative Light Electron Microscopy

    22 to 27 June 2017

    In the workshop we offer a balanced “mix” of lectures and practical sessions. The entire workflow from specimen to fluorescent image to immune-labeled ultrathin section will be dealt with. Under guidance of the skilled staff of the Utrecht Cell Microscopy Core Life cell CLEM and Section CLEM including the complete Tokuyasu technique will be practiced and explained to the finest detail. Biological samples and immuno-reagents will be available. The program is meant for people that already have experience in cryosectioning and immunolabeling and want to extend their expertise into CLEM. We provide an excellent learning environment. When manual skills like ultrathin cryo-sectioning are being trained the participants will have their own ultra-cryo microtome (often equipped with a camera) to practice on. The number of participants is limited to 10 people. We will provide you with a practical manual covering the topics of the course.


  • Super-resolution Workshop 2017

    07 July 2017

    Designed to talk about the current challenges in developing and using super-resolution microscopy with lots of time for discussion, this year the workshop will focus on the topic of labelling.  Thoughts and ideas are encouraged to help define what is good/best practice around these challenging techniques, and give an insight into future potential developments.


  • RMS Light Microscopy Summer School

    16 to 19 July 2017

    The RMS Light Microscopy summer school is an annual, residential three day course held at the University of York covering the principles of light microscopy. Participants are also trained in practical issues surrounding light microscopy. After introductory presentations, the course is taught predominantly through hands-on practical sessions.

    The course is suitable for both novices and more experienced users wanting to gain a greater understanding of the microscope and feedback every year is always fantastic.


  • RMS Getting the Most from your Confocal Course

    20 and 21 July 2017

    This 2 day RMS annual confocal course utilises many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) which are chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques. Focus is always on the techniques they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types. The 2-days consist of short tutorials followed by hands-on practice.
    Day 1 takes participants through the basic principles of confocal microscopy and then trains through hands-on practice how to configure and image multicolour, multidimensional samples using a confocal microscope.
    Day 2 builds on the experiences of day 1 and enables participants to try FRAP and spectral profiling.


  • ESRIC Super-Resolution Summer School 2017

    31 July to 04 August 2017

    The ESRIC super-resolution summer school is designed to give participants a thorough grounding in super-resolution microscopy in an informal and intimate setting. It brings together leading academics and the major suppliers of super-resolution microscopes to provide expertise and guidance in the theory and practise of structured illumination microscopy (SIM), stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED), AiryScan Microscopy and single molecule localization microscopies (PALM, sptPALM and dSTORM).


  • CenErgy II: International PhD Summer School on Advanced transmission and scanning electron microscopy in Materials Science

    14 to 25 August 2017

    CenErgy introduces students to four concepts of advanced electron microscopy applied to advanced functional materials: environmental transmission electron microscopy (TEM), spectrum imaging of elemental and chemical information, high performance scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and 3D SEM. CenErgy commences with two days of theory covering the four topics and students can select two of these to perform a total of four full days of hands-on microscopy experiments. The remainder of the school then focuses on advanced data analysis based on the experimental sessions. CenErgy participants completing the school are also entitled to 5 ECTS points.

    Registration deadline: 1st July 2017

    Limited number of “early bird” places: 800 €. Standard fee: 900 €

    Registration includes: transport between venues, lunches and refreshments, and social events. Accommodation is not included - a list of some accommodation oprions will be made available after the 2nd announcement.


  • CINEMAXIII PhD Summer school

    28 August to 01 September 2017


  • Advanced Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (AMBIA)

    03 to 09 September 2017

    The summer school consists of 5 days of lectures and exercises.
    The application deadline is March 31st.



    04 to 15 September 2017

    The school is dedicated to teaching the basics and
    wider context necessary to understand recent advances and current
    challenges in biological and medical imaging. Cutting-edge techniques
    using a wide range of image-formation mechanisms — including
    magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, infrared and
    optical microscopy, electron microscopy and X-ray imaging — will be
    discussed, with a focus on multimodal and multiscale imaging methods,
    together with supporting technologies such as computer-aided image
    analysis and modeling.

    Admission will be decided based on the applicant’s curriculum vitae,
    a statement of purpose and applicant’s references. Students who have
    not yet started a PhD program may apply for a stipend. Interested
    students should send in addition to the documents mentioned above
    copies of their university grades and arrange a letter of
    recommendation to be sent directly to Dr. Beat Schuler


  • Confocal microscopy course

    05 to 08 September 2017

    An intensive, hands-on, four-day training course in the rapidly developing techniques of confocal microscopy. The course will initially cover basic confocal but then swiftly move on to the more advanced techniques such as FRAP, FRET and spectral unmixing. Over the four days, all participants will have used four different confocal set-ups; Zeiss LSM880 and LSM780 on inverted microscopes, a Zeiss LSM710 on an upright microscope, and an Andor Revolution XD spinning disk confocal. To demonstrate each technique, a wide range of both samples (plants to cell culture) and labels (antibody to fluorescent proteins) will be used. Participants are welcome to bring their own samples.


  • RMS Flow Cytometry Course

    10 to 15 September 2017

    The RMS flow cytometry course is aimed at both life science and clinical science fields, with the common fundamentals covered on day 1 and 2.
    The course then splits into life science and clinical orientated modules, from practical demonstrations to lectures highlighting not just the applications, but best practise as well. 
    The course is constructed as a set of three modules. You can elect to attend the Course from between two to five days, depending on the Modules selected. The Modules consist of lectures interspersed with sessions in the laboratory. It is anticipated that instruments from three manufacturers will be available for practical work.


  • Microscopy and Microspectroscopy of Nanomaterials in Liquids

    18 September 2017

    This one day workshop will cover the fundamental techniques such as optical microscopy, TEM, SEM, AFM, Raman and FTIR for a wide range of possible applications, from microbiology and chemistry to materials and optical engineering. The workshop will also include hands-on demonstrations and will offer the opportunity to test participants’ samples on-site.
    Poster Abstract Submission is now open.
    Registration is free for students and £25 for standard registration.


  • 8th Glienicke Workshop on Electron Microscopy in Infectious Diseases - Diagnostics and Research

    21 and 22 September 2017

    The Glienicke meeting assembles people which are interested in diagnostic electron microscopy (EM) and research of pathogens for discussions, exchange of ideas and knowledge.
    Major topics of the meeting are: Diagnostic EM - Principles, methods and organisation. Case studies of infectious diseases and zoonoses. EM in pathogen research. Perspectives of imaging in diagnostics and research.
    The program is open for oral and poster contributions by participants. Please register and send us a title of the intended presentation and a brief outline of the content (a few sentences are sufficient).
    For more information, please contact: Dr. Michael Laue, Robert Koch Institute,

  • Combining electrons with X-rays for integrated in-operando experiments (COEX)

    23 and 24 September 2017


  • Autumn school on electron microscopy in materials science 2017

    09 to 12 October 2017

    From October 9 through October 12, the autumn school on electron microscopy in materials science will take place at the Harnack House in Berlin. This school offers both practical courses at different elecron microscopy laboratories in Berlin, as well as lectures on different aspects of modern electron microscopy.


  • Meeting on Focused Ion Beams in Berlin - FIBiB 2017

    06 and 07 November 2017

    FIBiB2017 is an upcoming workshop on focused ion beam based technologies for applications in sample preparation, sample investigation and nanopatterning.
    The deadline for abstract submission is June 30,2017.


  • Basic course resin embedding and ultrathin sectioning

    15 to 17 January 2018


  • Basic course cryosectioning and immunogold labeling of thawed frozen sections (Tokuyasu technique)

    19 to 22 January 2018

    A real hands-on course for the preparation of ultrathin frozen sections of aldehyde fixed and cryoprotected specimens for the TEM  from start (tissue/ cultured cells) to finish (immunogold labelled thawed frozen section).


  • Workshop on Electron Microscopy

    04 May 2018


  • United Kingdom - Israel Workshop on Nano - Scale Crystallography for Bio and Materials Research

    18 and 19 June 2018


  • RMS Light Microscopy Summer School

    08 to 11 July 2018


  • RMS Getting the Most from your Confocal Course

    12 and 13 July 2018


  • RMS Electron Microscopy Summer School

    15 to 20 July 2018


  • ESRIC Super-resolution Summer School

    16 to 20 July 2018


  • In situ Methods in Cell Biology and Cellular Biophysics

    26 to 28 July 2018


  • CenErgy III PhD Summer School

    06 to 17 August 2018

    Registration deadline: 1st July 2018


  • CenErgy III - International PhD Summer School

    06 to 17 August 2018


  • CINEMAXIV PhD Summer school

    27 to 31 August 2018

    CINEMAX IV follows up on the successful CINEMAX I to CINEMAX III summer schools, where you get the chance to get teaching and hands on experience with the complete workflow of high-resolution tomography analysis....

    Registration deadline: 30 July. There is a limited number of places, first come first served! Abstract upload for poster presentation: 15 August

    Contact: Professor Jens Wenzel Andreasen,, or secretary Lene Christensen,

    More information about MUMMERING ( and CINEMA (


  • Confocal Microscopy Course

    04 to 07 September 2018

    An intensive, hands-on, four-day training course in the rapidly developing techniques of confocal microscopy. The course will initially cover basic confocal but then swiftly move on to the more advanced techniques such as FRAP, FRET and spectral unmixing. Over the four days, all participants will have used three different confocal set-ups; Zeiss LSM880 on an inverted microscope, Zeiss LSM710 on an upright microscope, and an Andor spinning disk confocal. To demonstrate each technique, a wide range of both samples (plants to cell culture) and labels (antibody to fluorescent proteins) will be used. Participants are welcome to bring their own samples.



    05 to 07 September 2018

    We cordially invite you to an interesting fluorescence microscopy workshop....


  • RMS Flow Cytometry Course

    06 to 14 September 2018


  • FEBS practical course on Microspectroscopy: Functional Imaging of Biological Systems.

    11 to 20 September 2018

    During this course, you will learn several microscopic and spectroscopic techniques for studying biological processes in living cells. Microspectroscopy applications are the methods of choice because direct information on molecular interactions and dynamic events involving biomolecules is obtained with minimal perturbation of cellular integrity and function.


  • 11th International LEEM/PEEM Workshop

    01 October to 03 November 2018


  • Quantitative Analysis of Grain Size Course 2018

    18 October 2018


  • Machine Learning for Image Analysis

    29 to 31 October 2018

    It will be a great mix of intensive learning, extensive hands-on and community networking. Participants will review the fundamentals of machine learning in three up-front webinars complemented by online tutorials. The webinars will take place on 2nd, 9th and 16th October 2018, 12:00 - 14:00 CEST but a recorded alternative can be provided. Next, they will apply their knowledge on-site (EMBL Heidelberg, 29-31st October), in small interactive groups (the workshop has 16 available seats and ~8 trainer/lecturer), to both reference datasets and their own data. After the on-site workshop, two optional advanced training webinar, complemented by online tutorials, will be given on 9th and 16th November 2018. These will focus on simulation of data, transfer learning and boosting.

    Registration is open now. Deadline is June 15, 2018.


  • Electron Microscopy Course: The basics from A to W

    12 to 16 November 2018

    A 5-day hands-on PhD training course in both Wageningen and Amsterdam.


  • Pier Giorgio Merli (S)TEM School in Materials Science 2018-2019 (1st Part: Theoretical Course)

    19 to 23 November 2018

    The Pier Giorgio Merli  (S)TEM School, jointly organized by SISM and CNR-IMM, has gained its 7th edition. As in previous editions, in two full weeks, following a  well tested series of theoretical and practical lessons, the School will provide students and researchers with a qualified introduction to Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques for materials science. The Theoretical Course is the first part of the School whose Practical Course will be carried out in February 2019 (4th to 8th February). For a complete description of the School content and the ways to attend the Courses please refer to the School web site:


  • Single Particle Cryo-EM School

    10 to 13 December 2018

    This 4-days course provides an introduction to the single particle cryo-EM pipeline for solving high resolution structures of macromolecular complexes.


  • Transmission Electron Microscopy for Materials Science (online course)

    17 January 2019

    In this course, we provide a comprehensive introduction to TEM, including:

    - the instrument and its optics
    - the basics of electron diffraction and dynamical scattering
    - the theory of phase contrast imaging.
    Built from the ground up, the course is intended to be a starting point for understanding and working with TEM; to be used either as a stand alone resource, or in complement to books and in person teaching or coaching. We hope that it proves useful to our electron microscopy community, and look forward to receiving any feedback.
    NOTE: Being a virtual course it is not tied to any particular date (a participant can register and start at any time).
    For information please contact: Duncan Alexander <> and Hebert Cecile <>


  • Basic course resin embedding and ultrathin sectioning

    23 to 25 January 2019

    A real hands-on course for the preparation of ultrathin sections for the TEM  from start (tissue/ cultured cells) to finish (ultrathin stained resin section).


  • Basic course cryosectioning and immunogold labeling of thawed frozen sections (Tokuyasu technique)

    28 to 31 January 2019

    A real hands-on course for the preparation of ultrathin frozen sections of aldehyde fixed and cryoprotected specimens for the TEM  from start (tissue/ cultured cells) to finish (immunogold labelled thawed frozen section).


  • Pier Giorgio Merli (S)TEM School in Materials Science 2018-2019 (2nd Part: Practical Course)

    04 to 08 February 2019

    The Pier Giorgio Merli  (S)TEM School, jointly organized by SISM and CNR-IMM, has gained its 7th edition. As in previous editions, in two full weeks, following a  well tested series of theoretical and practical lessons, the School will provide students and researchers with a qualified introduction to Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques for materials science. 
    Please note that the registration to the Practical Course will be allowed only to participants that have chosen to attend also the previous Theoretical Course. For a complete description of the School content and the ways to attend the Courses please refer to the School web site:


  • EMBO Practical Course: High-Accuracy CLEM: Applications at Room Temperature and in cryo

    07 to 12 April 2019


  • EMBL Course: Fundamentals of Widefield and Confocal Microscopy and Imaging

    13 to 17 May 2019


  • EMBO Practical Course: Advanced methods of electron microscopy in cell biology

    10 to 20 June 2019


  • Electron Microscopy Summer School 2019

    07 to 12 July 2019

    The EM Summer School aims to provide a basic training in both the theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The course covers imaging, diffraction and chemical microanalysis as well as the highly important area of sample preparation.


  • EMBL Course: Super Resolution Microscopy

    08 to 13 July 2019


  • Light Microscopy Summer School 2019

    14 to 17 July 2019

    The Light Microscopy summer school is an annual, residential three day course held at the University of York covering the principles of light microscopy. Participants are also trained in practical issues surrounding light microscopy. After introductory presentations, the course is taught predominantly through hands-on practical sessions.

    The course is suitable for both novices and more experienced users wanting to gain a greater understanding of the microscope and feedback every year is always fantastic. Students came from a range of backgrounds in 2018, within both research and commercial organisations. All benefited greatly from the Course and left with increased understanding and skills.

    The course is immediately followed by a two day hands-on Confocal Course - Getting the most from your Confocal.


  • Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC) Summer School

    15 to 20 July 2019

    The ESRIC super-resolution summer school is a five-day residential course held in Edinburgh. The course is designed to give participants a thorough grounding in super-resolution microscopy in an informal and intimate setting. It brings together leading academics and the major suppliers of super-resolution microscopes to provide expertise and guidance in the theory, practise and analysis of structured illumination microscopy (SIM), stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED), AiryScan and single molecule localization microscopies (PALM, sptPALM and dSTORM).


  • Advanced CLEM Course

    17 to 19 July 2019


  • Getting the most from your Confocal Course 2019

    18 and 19 July 2019

    This 2 day annual confocal course utilises many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) which are chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques.

    Focus is always on the techniques they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types. The 2-days consist of short tutorials followed by hands-on practice.

    Day 1 takes participants through the basic principles of confocal microscopy and then trains through hands-on practice how to configure and image multicolour, multidimensional samples using a confocal microscope.

    Day 2 builds on the experiences of day 1 and enables participants to try FRAP and spectral profiling.


  • NextTEM: Next-Generation Transmission Electron Microscopy Workshop

    04 August 2019

    The second annual Next-Generation Transmission Electron Microscopy (NexTEM) workshop will be held as a pre-meeting congress for Microscopy and Microanalysis 2019. This event will bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds to present the state-of-the-art in cutting edge electron microscopy tools and related applications. Specific areas of interest include advanced detector designs for all states of matter, recent developments in electron and phonon optics/instrumentation, in-situ and ultrafast TEM, cryo TEM, as well as data analytics and computational methods. Stimulating discussion and presentation of electron microscopy tools at the intersection of these fields will set the stage for advancement in these areas, as well as collaborative approaches to critical scientific issues in materials science, biology and medicine, physics, and chemistry.


  • Flow Cytometry Course 2019

    08 to 13 September 2019

    This Flow Cytometry Course is aimed at both life science and clinical science fields, with the common fundamentals covered on day 1 and 2. The course then splits into life science and clinical orientated modules, from practical demonstrations to lectures highlighting not just the applications, but best practise as well. 

    The course is constructed as a set of three modules. You can elect to attend the Course from between two to five days, depending on the Modules selected.

    The Modules consist of lectures interspersed with sessions in the laboratory. It is anticipated that instruments from three manufacturers will be available for practical work.


  • Third International Workshop on Electron Beam Spectroscopy for Nanophotonics (EBSN-2019)

    16 to 18 September 2019

    Workshop Chairs: Mathieu Kociak (CNRS), Javier García de Abajo (ICFO), Albert Polman (AMOLF)


  • Electron probe microanalysis: Recent developments and applications in Earth science

    03 and 04 October 2019


  • EMBL Course: Volume Electron Microscopy by Automated Serial SEM

    20 to 25 October 2019


  • Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Course Spring 2021

    08 to 11 March 2021

    The RMS is holding an interactive virtual course on flow cytometric data analysis.

    This course, which will run over 4 half-days, will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.

    Delegates will be able to use data files (which will be provided) and follow along with directed analysis by the course demonstrators. Analysis will be performed in either FlowJo or FCS Express and Applications specialists will also form part of the demonstrator team.

    This course is suitable for those who are relatively new to flow cytometry and who wish to expand their experience with applications and specific analysis.



  • High Content Imaging 2021

    23 to 25 March 2021

    High content imaging (HCI) involves automated collection and analysis of images to provide quantitative data on a range of functional and morphological changes in cells, spheroids or organoids. It has become a widely used tool in cell biology and drug discovery, for example in screening of drug candidates, fragments, RNAi, miR and phenotypic screens using CRISPR-Cas9, amongst other.  This meeting will introduce the power of HCI to new or inexperienced users, but will also cover current HCI case studies from leaders in the field and advances in HCI techniques and analysis. Major suppliers of HCI software and analysis will be present to demonstrate applications and uses of their HCI equipment and software. Anyone interested in HCI, whether starting out in the field or an experienced user, will benefit from attending.


  • Basics of Electron Microscopy Virtual Spring School

    19 to 22 April 2021

    The RMS Basics of Electron Microscopy Virtual Spring School is aimed at those seeking an introduction to electron microscopy.

    The course, set across 4 afternoon sessions, will provide delegates with a mix of lectures, live microscope and sample preparation demonstration sessions, with lots of time for Q&A and discussion of participants projects. With a maximum of 10 participants per stream, we will provide plenty of opportunity for engagement with the course speakers.

    The course will be delivered in three streams, TEM for biological specimens, SEM for materials and TEM for materials. Delegates will be asked to choose one stream to work within, although some of the theoretical content will be shared between the streams. By the end of the course, delegates will have an understanding of the basic anatomy of the microscope and image formation, learn general methods of sample preparation and receive an introduction to microscope operation.


  • Open source analysis of TEM data

    21 to 23 June 2021


  • Virtual Super-Resolution Workshop

    09 July 2021

    Designed to talk about the current challenges in developing and using super-resolution microscopy with short talks and lots of time for discussion, this year the workshop will be split into 2 sessions, focussing on the topics of ‘using machine learning and AI in super-resolution imaging’ and the other will be ‘expansion microscopy’.  Thoughts and ideas are encouraged to help define what is good/best practice around these challenges, and give an insight into future potential developments.


  • 25th IUCr congress satellite Electron Crystallography School 3D Electron Diffraction/MicroED Uniting Small Molecule and Macromolecular Crystallography

    11 to 13 August 2021

    School on 3D electron diffraction/MicroED techniques and how to apply them for structure determination of nano/microcrystals too small for X-ray diffraction. The topics will cover inorganic compounds, pharmaceutics and proteins. It includes both lectures and practical sessions. 



    • The development of various 3D electron diffraction/MicroED techniques – a historical perspective
    • Introduction to transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction
    • 3D electron diffraction/MicroED (SAED, PED, EDT) and space group determination  
    • Sample preparation for both materials and life sciences  
    • 3D ED/MicroED Data collection   
    • Radiation damage   
    • 3D ED Data Processing and data merging including practical demo labs
    • Methods for phasing diffraction data – small molecules and macromolecules 
    • Practical demo labs for structure solution and refinement with 3D ED/MicroED data – two groups for small molecules and macromolecules, respectively
    • Dynamical refinement 
    • New developments in 3D electron crystallography


    Participants: PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, both researchers from life and material science are welcome

    Location: virtual, last day at Prague

    Poster and bursary submission deadline: 20/7/2021





  • CINEMAX VI PhD Summer school in Denmark

    23 to 27 August 2021

    “You will be given the opportunity to get teaching and hands-on experience with the complete workflow of high-resolution tomography analysis.


    During the PhD summer school, you will be introduced to data acquisition, 3D reconstruction, segmentation and meshing and, finally, 3D modelling of data to extract physical parameters that describe mechanical and flow properties. The teaching and the exercises will take place in close interaction with top experts in the research fields. The exercises will require some basic programming skills and will be carried out in a common Python environment, introduced through an e-learning program which the students are required to follow before the PhD summer school (Introduction to Advanced Tomography on Coursera).



    Participants: PhD students

    Location: Fuglsang Manor on Lolland, Denmark

    Registration deadline: 15 July 2021


    Read more about the summer school.”


  • Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Course

    13 to 16 September 2021

    This course, which will run over 4 half-days, will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.


  • Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Course

    13 to 16 September 2021

    This course, which will run over 4 half-days, will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.


  • All Things Cryo – a virtual course

    21 to 24 September 2021

    There can be no doubt that Cryo-EM continues to be a hot topic following the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for its development. In fact many cryo-techniques have been around for over 40 years and are in use in both academic and industrial settings being applied to a full range of soft matter and materials samples beyond single particle analysis of proteins. This course looks to educate scientists and engineers to the full range of cryo-techniques, who are looking to characterise, analyse and understand structure / function of their samples where stabilisation of volatiles (often water) is required.


  • One Day flowcytometryUK Meeting 2021

    18 November 2021

    The one day flowcytometryUK 2021 Meeting will take place in Cambridge highlighting the diverse areas in which cytometry is a vital resource. There will be scientific presentations from a number of speakers interspersed with commercial flash presentations. A commercial exhibition will allow delegates to see recent developments in the field. The meeting also offers a great opportunity to network with fellow cytometrists in a relaxed and informal environment.



  • Utrecht Electron Microscopy Workshops: Resin Electron Microscopy

    11 to 14 April 2023


  • Utrecht Electron Microscopy Workshops: Cryosectioning and Immuno-Electron Microscopy

    17 to 20 April 2023


  • EMAS 2023 - 17th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis

    07 to 11 May 2023


  • Light Microscopy Summer School, 10 – 11 July 2023

    10 and 11 July 2023

    The Light Microscopy Summer School is a two day course held at the University of York covering the principles of light microscopy. Participants are also trained in practical issues surrounding light microscopy. After introductory presentations, the course is taught predominantly through hands-on practical sessions. The course is suitable for both novices and more experienced users wanting to gain a greater understanding of the microscope and feedback every year is always fantastic. Students usually come from a range of backgrounds, within both research and commercial organisations. All benefited greatly from the Course and left with increased understanding and skills.


  • Getting the most from your Confocal Course, 12 – 13 July 2023

    12 and 13 July 2023

    This two day annual confocal course utilises many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) which are chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques. Focus is always on the techniques they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types. The two days consist of short tutorials followed by hands-on practice.
    Day 1 takes participants through the basic principles of confocal microscopy and then trains them, through hands-on practice, how to configure and image multicolour, multidimensional samples using a confocal microscope.
    Day 2 builds on the experience of Day 1 and enables participants to try FRAP and spectral profiling.


  • All Things Cryo 2023

    09 to 13 October 2023

    This course consists of two and half days, broken into a morning and afternoon virtual lecture sessions, covering the theory of the techniques.


  • Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences

    20 to 24 November 2023

    The course is aimed at beginners and intermediate users of transmission electron microscopes. The course is organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR and Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure in collaboration with Jeol and Leica companies. After the course, participants will understand the principles of construction and function of transmission electron microscopes and will receive the extensive practice during hands-on sessions on transmission electron microscopes of varying complexity. Overview of sample preparation methods with demo, and demonstration of cryoTEM method is a part of the course, as well.


  • European EELS & EFTEM School

    13 to 16 February 2024


  • Virtual Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Course

    26 to 29 February 2024

    This course will run over four half-days from Monday 26 February to Thursday 29 February 2024, plus one optional additional Clinical Module on Monday 4 March 2023.  The course will cover the basics of analysis for a number of different applications including antibody phenotyping, DNA and cell cycle kinetics, cell proliferation and death, and functional studies. There will also be the opportunity to explore high-dimensional analysis using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.


  • Resin Electron Microscopy

    05 to 08 March 2024


  • Cryosectioning and Immuno-Electron Microscopy

    11 to 15 March 2024


  • Huygens Virtual Workshop for Imaging Experts

    16 and 17 April 2024

    As a microscopist and/or facility member, you are aware of imaging pitfalls and the need to fix them with the purpose of staying true to the real object. To reach this goal and teach this to your users, it is crucial to select the right image processing tools, and to use them in the correct order and manner. During this virtual workshop, we will discuss pitfalls in image acquisition and issues that are typically found when using certain imaging modalities. Furthermore, we will show newly acquired data that proves that the "Pyramid of Frustration" can be enlarged - even with noisy data. Deconvolution is explained by our experts, and the brand-new Huygens Image Quality Control tool is demonstrated. Hands-on sessions focus on using imaging pipelines, command line interfaces (Python), and various image restoration and analysis options. Different Huygens solutions tailored to individual users, research groups, and imaging facilities will be presented, and we'll discuss with you how we can share educational material, and contribute to trainings on-site.


  • EMAS 2024

    12 to 15 May 2024


  • NordTEMhub Workshop

    11 to 13 June 2024


  • Light Microscopy Summer School

    08 and 09 July 2024

    The RMS Light Microscopy Summer School is a two day course, held at the University of York, covering the principles of light microscopy. Participants are also trained in practical issues surrounding light microscopy. After introductory presentations, the course is taught predominantly through hands-on practical sessions. The course is suitable for both novices and more experienced users wanting to gain a greater understanding of the microscope and feedback every year is always fantastic. Students usually come from a range of backgrounds, within both research and commercial organisations. All benefited greatly from the course and left with increased understanding and skills. The course is immediately followed by a two-day hands-on Confocal Course - Getting the most from your Confocal Course


  • Electron Microscopy Summer School

    15 to 19 July 2024

    The RMS Electron Microscopy Summer School, held at the University of Leeds, aims to provide a basic training in both the theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The course covers imaging, diffraction and chemical microanalysis as well as the highly important area of sample preparation.


  • Flow Cytometry Course

    02 to 06 September 2024

    The RMS Flow Cytometry Course, held at the University of York, is aimed at both clinical applications and applications in cell biology, with the common fundamentals covered on Day 1 and 2. The course then splits into clinical applications and applications in cell biology streams, from practical demonstrations to lectures highlighting not just the applications, but best practise as well.


    The course is constructed as a set of three modules. You can elect to attend the course from between two to five days, depending on the modules selected.  The modules consist of lectures interspersed with sessions in the laboratory. It is anticipated that instruments from two manufacturers will be available for practical work.


    This course is open to all and is suitable for those who are relatively new to flow cytometry and who wish to expand their experience with applications and specific analysis.


  • Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences

    25 to 29 November 2024

    Registration deadline: 11th November, 2024. 


  • European EELS & EFTEM School

    11 to 14 February 2025


  • Multidimensional and Analytical Electron Microscopy for Life Scientists

    03 to 07 March 2025


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