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Current News

There are 41 news available.

  • 3rd Edition of Unbiased Stereology

    By C.V. Howard & M.G. Reed

    This book is a simple and practical guide to making unbiased 3-D measurements of microstructure via the microscope. 

    Available as a free download!

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  • 25 to 30 August 2024

    EMC2024 Welcomes you to Copenhagen!

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  • In memory of Arvid B. Maunsbach (1937 – † 2023)

    Arvid Bernhard Maunsbach, born May 9, 1937, passed away Sunday evening May 14, 2023, in Århus, Jylland, at the age of 86. We wish to extend our sincere condolences to Arvid’s wife, Kaarina Pihakaski-Maunsbach, his children and grandchildren.

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  • EMS Newsletter #80 - July 2023

    Dear colleagues,the EMS Newsletter #80 is now available at the EMS website.

    Enjoy reading!

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  • EMS has decided to financially support the following events with an important focus on microscopy.

    We are very pleased to announce the list of events to be sponsored

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  • Scholarships 2023

    In 2023, the European Microscopy Society (EMS) has provided 20 scholarships of 800 € each for the participation of early stage career researchers at the IMC20 September 10-15, 2023 in BEXCO, Busan, Korea and one scholarship of 300 € for the participation to the Focus on Microscopy meeting, April 2-5  2023, in Porto, Portugal.

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  • Imaging & Microscopy Journal survey

    Dear EMS members,

    We hope you are enjoying your free copy of Imaging & Microscopy within your membership of EMS. To help us better understand your reading behavior and preferences, we kindly request your participation in a brief survey.

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  • EMS OPA 2022 results

    The winners of the European Microscopy Outstanding Paper Awards for papers published in 2022 are….

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  • IFSM Young Scientist Assembly

    The IFSM Young Scientist Assembly gathers 50 young scientists that are selected based on their accomplishments and IMC20 abstract.

    It is an exciting opportunity to:

    • Meet Plenary Speakers of IMC20, in a thought-provoking round-table discussions with Q&A.
    • Discuss career planning and development with discipline leaders.
    • Network with fellow future emerging leaders.
    • Publish short paper in microscopy journals when the micrograph is selected in the image contest.
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  • September 10-15, 2023 / BEXCO, Busan, Korea

    The 20th International Microscopy Congress

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